Now, it is getting ridiculous.
All we need is for Professor Ford to ask that no green M&M’s be in the Capitol Hill waiting room and we are 100% in reality
As most of the readers here at Red State and across the country know, the confirmation vote of Brett Kavanaugh has been delayed due to a sex harassment claim from over 35 years ago by Christine Blasey Ford.
The Senate Judiciary Committee led by Sen Chuck Grassley from Iowa has done a yeoman’s job of trying to treat this delicate situation with kid gloves even though this was sprung on them at the last minute. They postponed the vote for a recommendation to the full Senate from last Tuesday to allow Ford to come to Washington D.C. or have committee lawyers go to her to hear her story.
As I wrote here yesterday, her legal representation after days of silence decided to respond with an answer of we will but with conditions.Christine Fords Attorney Says She Will Testify “With Conditions”
Well we now have what those condition specifcally are. According Fox News
Christine Blasey Ford’s legal team has asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to agree to certain terms before she sits down for a potential interview over her accusation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago, two sources told Fox News on Thursday night.
Among the terms: Only members of the committee — no lawyers — can question her; Kavanaugh cannot be in the room at the time; and Kavanaugh should be questioned first, before he has the opportunity to hear Ford’s testimony.
The requests, some of which appeared to be negotiable, capped a whirlwind day of back-and-forth statements. Ford’s lawyers told the Senate Judiciary Committee that she was open to testifying next week, apparently backing off her bid for the FBI to first launch a new inquiry into her allegations.
This is embarrassing.
Christine has made the accusation. She said this has traumatized her for all these years. Even though she can’t recall the house, the person who held the party or how she got there or got home, she now not only wants to hold up this “process” but she has some really simple demands to make the Dems, errrrrrrr, her feel better.
This is all political.
Not wanting lawyers to question her is totally understandable. Those who are practicing in the field would slice and dice this story into a million pieces. Having an attorney who is a woman do it would blunt any talk about all those mean men not caring about these charges.
Asking that Kavanaugh not be in the room at the same time is also another great idea. I would not want to look into the person eyes who I just ( allegedly ) slandered in the eye at any point either.
Her last demand is the best, she wants to go last.
She has a story to tell. Tell it.
Problem is Kavanaugh is a lawyer and a judge and will be taking copious notes on what she would say and be able to refute every part of her story. So having him go first allows her legal team to try and do the same.
As Judge Kavanaugh stated in a letter to the Judiciary on Thursday…
For his part, Kavanaugh, in a letter to the Judiciary Committee on Thursday, indicated he would be ready and willing to testify on Monday. “I continue to want a hearing as soon as possible, so that I can clear my name,” he wrote.
“Since the moment I first heard this allegation, I have categorically and unequivocally denied it. I remain committed to defending my integrity.”
The guy who is being accused at the last minute of doing something wrong will talk at any time with no conditions to clear his name.
The person who claims to be a victim wants to set all these preconditions and won’t show unless they are met to put her tortured past to rest.
Telling the truth is not hard, its easy.
If you are actually telling the truth.
In case you missed my other post on this subject Brett Kavanaugh Is A Better Human Being Than Senate Dems, So He Must Be Destroyed check it out and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2
The post Kavanaugh Accusers List of Demands, You Go First Brett appeared first on RedState.