
Marble Halls & Silver Screens Podcast ep.36 — The High School Romp Edition

- September 20, 2018

Covering the connection of DC politics and Hollywood entertainment as they contribute to our culture.

And you thought that the end of the confirmation hearing was the End??? You should know the desperation of the Senate Democrats better than that! I mean, sure, you’d think half a million documents might be enough to start to get a bead on a person’s character — BUT WHAT DID HE DO AT A HIGH SCHOOL BEER PARTY?!?! This apparently is vital to determining the efficacy of a judge ruling on the Constitution.

Meanwhile Sarah was very excited about her recent excursion to see “Hamilton”, live on stage. (You know how it is, political gals and their musicals…). Meanwhile our celebrity set has been either behaving unhinged, or having to deal with unhinged behavior, and sometimes both. There is bickering at the Oscars, and new fashion accessories, and oh hell, just go ahead and listen!




  • We had to cover the ever-evolving Brett Kavanaugh controversy, and there is little sympathy to be found from our two fact hounds. (That Sarah & Brad, always demanding PROOF!)
  • With a hurricane bearing down on the Carolinas Trump is getting flamed over his Puerto Rican relief work, but Brad delves into the problems with that local government.
  • Jim Carrey raves about socialism but a Venezuelan journalist sets him straight and states the only thing funny about him is his obliviousness.
  • Norm MacDonald had some very sane and even-handed comments about the #MeToo movement — so of course he had to be attacked mercilessly. (Bonus for Jimmy Fallon tears!)
  • Michael Moore, self-proclaimed “Man of the Working Man”, was called out for stiffing some businesses that worked for him.
  • The upcoming movie “A Star Is Born” looks to be Academy Award-worthy, but there is already a controversy with having Jon Peters attached as a Producer. I mean, what’s a half dozen sex assault lawsuits to get in the way of Oscar glory?!


In this hurricane season it is time for…FAKE WEATHER!
(The network made a statement the 2 in the background were walking on pavement while their anchor was standing on grass…uh, about 2 feet away from the same pavement.)

for more insightful ridiculousness, follow us:
Podcast: @Lee_Slager
Sarah: @Sarailola
Brad: @MartiniShark

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