
Michael Avenatti Should Lose His Law License Over Kavanaugh Claims

- September 24, 2018

Porn And Crime Never Pay

Just when you thought the latest story on Judge Kavanaugh by Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer of the New Yorker had done some peak damage MUTLIPLE Outlets Passed On Second Kavanaugh Accusation… So Why Did The New Yorker Run It? along comes porn lawyer to the Stormy star, Michael Avenatti to say…


Late Sunday night the infamous attorney who is only known for trying to make porn star Stormy Daniels seem lovable released a statement that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was part of “rape gangs” in High School.

I. Kid. You. Not.

According to New York Daily News

Lawyer Michael Avenatti told the Senate Judiciary Committee late Sunday that he has multiple witnesses who can say Brett Kavanaugh participated in gang rapes of drunken women during high school.

“We are aware of significant evidence of multiple house parties in the Washington, D.C. area during the early 1980s during which Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and others would participate in the targeting of women with alcohol/drugs in order to allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them,” Avenatti said in an email to Mike Davis, chief counsel for nominations for the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The lawyer repping the porn star has “credible evidence” of gang rapes of women from 35 years ago? I hope so because otherwise not only is this slander but he should lose his law license and spend some time in jail.

So far Christine Fords story has fallen apart a bit being all the people she claimed were at this party that the incident with her occurred, don’t recall a thing about it. Including her best friend all these years. BREAKING. Kavanaugh Accuser’s Third Witness Is Located And Her Testimony Is A Game Changer

Also, the other story from Ronan and Jane is also really weak on witnesses and details, as in they don’t have any. It Seems That Even The New Yorker Isn’t Totally Buying The New Kavanaugh Accusation

So what in the hell is going on here?

I wrote this last week but I think it holds even truer today. Brett Kavanaugh Is A Better Human Being Than Senate Dems, So He Must Be Destroyed. The progressives and their trojan horse of a party must off this guy politically so that no judge who might be pro-life will ever accept a nomination again.

The ends always justify the means with these people.

Christine Ford’s name became public one week ago and the delay tactics her legal team played bought just enough time for the Avenatti types to go trolling to get a person to say something as outrageous as Kavanaugh was part of rape gangs in high school.

So Mike has evidence? Hold a press conference today and show it. He loves the camera so we know he will be ready to roll and sink this with all the evidence. Just based on some of the questions he has submitted to Chief Counsel for nominations reveal it should be quite a show.

Here are just a few.

One of his questions: “Did you ever target one or more women for sex or rape at a house party? Did you ever assist Mark Judge or others in doing so?”

Also, Avenatti suggested asking Kavanaugh: “Did you ever attend any house party during which a woman was gang-raped or used for sex by multiple men?”

And: “Did you ever witness a line of men outside a bedroom at any house party where you understood a woman was in the bedroom being raped or taken advantage of?”

The classic ” Why did you beat your wife” assertion. This is why people hate lawyers.

Kavanaugh has gone through six FBI background checks in the past 20 years. Do you think maybe someone that attended these schools might have said to an agent ” You know, this guy was not all that during high school/college.” I’m just guessing here.

So lets recap all this.

Two women have come forward and said that they had something bad happen to them but both don’t recall specific details and the people that they say could backup parts of their stories say it didn’t happen.

Also, we have an attorney who is famous for representing a porn star and has stated multiple times he will go after Trump, now at the last minute yelling RAPE GANGS about the President’s nominee to the Supreme Court.

Brett Kavanaugh has a family, a wife and two daughters. They are watching this. They must be horrified and I’m sure that Brett and his wife are wondering if this is all worth it.

I hope they think it is.

People like Michael Avenatti need to be shown for what they are and the best way to do that is to put the spotlight on them and let them talk. Let him show the credible evidence he has. Let the public and the press that actually gives a damn about facts go over it.

If it shows up to be a big bag of nothing like the other two, then start the procedure to have him disbarred.

America will be a better place and we will just have to wait for the next windbag lawyer to come along.

They always do.

In case you missed my other post on another similar topic Democrat Keith Ellison Is Everything Dems Accuse Kavanaugh Of Being subject and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks check it out and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2



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