On Wednesday Project Veritas released the second installment in their undercover video series unmasking the Deep State.
The first report in this series featured Stuart Karaffa, an avowed socialist who admits to engaging in political activism while working at the Department of State.
This video features a Department of Justice paralegal, Allison Hrabar, who reportedly uses government owned software and computers to push a socialist agenda and punish people she disagrees with.
Also featured is Jessica Schubel, the former Chief of Staff for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the last Obama administration.
Hrabar herself appears to illegally use government-owned property to engage in DSA activities. The video shows a meeting with Cliff Green, another DSA member, stating that Hrabar uses the government’s Lexis Nexis account to find home addresses to stage DSA protests targeting non-DSA members:
“So Allison is a paralegal, so she, her living is researching people, so she’s very good at researching people. So, they just find the companies, and then the people that run those companies, and then they find their home address. She uses Lexis Nexis and a couple other software things.”
A DSA colleague said that this is something that she can fired for:
“that’s the kind of thing that you would get fired for…people do not have the silver bullet, the smoking gun or whatever. Um, if they were able to get proof of that, you know? So, we’re all walking that line.”
The post O’Keefe Strikes Again: Project Veritas Exposes DOJ Official Using Govt. Databases to Stalk Business Owners (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.