
Oopsie! Sen. Grassley Busts Into Blowhard Corey Booker’s Latest Spartacus Moment (VIDEO)

- September 29, 2018

Spartacus Moment, Take II:

On Friday morning Senator Corey Booker (D-NJ) attempted his second Spartacus moment in a month in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

Booker droned on for 17 minutes on how the four witnesses who testified in written legal statements against Christine Ford’s accusations were actually testifying in support of Christine Ford’s accusations against Judge Kavanaugh.
That’s what you call liberal logic at its best.

At one point in his 17th minute Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley busted into Booker’s campaign speech.

Sen. Grassley: OK. I want to ask you a question. You’ve gone 17 minutes I’ve got three other people who’d like to speak.

Senator Spartacus: Sir, I understand that I’m going to be closing my comments soon.

Sen. Grassley: Are you willing to let three other people speak?

Senator Spartacus: Sir, I’d like to finish my comments.


The post Oopsie! Sen. Grassley Busts Into Blowhard Corey Booker’s Latest Spartacus Moment (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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