
President Trump Enters the Michael Avenatti Allegation Mud Bath

- September 27, 2018

Despite showing remarkable restraint over the past two weeks as the late hits on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh materialized, you had to know that given the fact that Michael Avenatti was behind this latest hit, that President Trump would have to weigh in.

And he did.

And Avenatti responded:

And he’s also had to pay a $10 million judgment for defrauding a law partner, and that billion dollar judgment was reduced to $25 million, and $5 million in federal tax liens, and he’s, according to court documents, a crappy husband and father who owes $200,000/month in alimony and child support.

This allegation by Avenatti is going to collapse. There are two real shames here. First, the woman who made them will not end up with the mental health care she obviously needs. And Avenatti will not end up disbarred and sharing a cell with Bubba.

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The post President Trump Enters the Michael Avenatti Allegation Mud Bath appeared first on RedState.


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