
Public Now Has to Make the Tough Decision Between Believing Avenatti’s Denial or a 4Chan Troll’s Claim

- September 26, 2018

Was former Stormy Daniels lawyer, Michael Avenatti pranked by a 4chan troll?

That’s the question that’s on the internet’s mind after a member of 4Chan posted a story about he and his girlfriend using burner phones to make it seem like she was a person who had sex with, not only Brett Kavanaugh, but his friend Mark Judge at the same time during their high school days.

Avenatti seemed overly confident that he had the largest story of 2018, but the internet watched as he began to backpedal on Twitter, only to finally lock his account. The 4Chan user claimed that the reason Avenatti went into hiding is that the attorney was punked beyond reason and is now hiding from the public.

Peter D’Abrosca reached out to Avenatti to confirm whether or not the rumors are true and received a response from the lawyer denying everything, and claiming that it’s “complete nonsense. Never happened. None of it is true.”

Avenatti also addressed the rumors on Twitter, adding that “the right must be worried,” and “they should be.”

We, the public, have been put in a tough position here.

Do we believe the lawyer of Stormy Daniels, or do we believe an anonymous 4Chan user?

At this time, I find the 4Chan user a little more credible than the guy who tried to convince America that Trump’s lawyers are Russian operatives and attempted to take on illegal immigrants as clients in order to paint Trump as uncaring about children at the border.

Avenatti is a propagandist with a law degree.

What’s more is that he’s desperate for something to bring down Kavanaugh, discredit Trump, and put his name on the map. That he would allegedly offer up $75,000 to a mystery woman to come forward isn’t too far out of the realm of reality.

That said, there’s currently no proof that the 4Chan story is true. If the 4Chan user who told the story has call records and perhaps recordings of the calls, then they would be worth an absolute fortune at this time.

The post Public Now Has to Make the Tough Decision Between Believing Avenatti’s Denial or a 4Chan Troll’s Claim appeared first on RedState.


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