
REVEALED: Iranian Foreign Minister Admits Regime Has Worked Closely with Soros’s Open Society (VIDEO)

- September 04, 2018

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif admitted on Sunday that the regime has worked closely with George Soros’s Open Society.

Zarif made the remarks in the Iranian parliament.

The remarks were posted on Twitter today.

Hat Tip Banafsheh Zand

Israel National News reported:

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif said Sunday that the Iranian government has worked closely with billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) organization.

Zarif made the remarks in response to questions raised in the Iranian parliament. According to Zarif, the activity began before he entered his current position, and he boasted that he had succeeded in “keeping the activity organized.”

OSF has funded a number of far-left organizations in Israel which seek to change the policy of Israel’s government.

Thomas Lifson at American Thinker added: If the cooperation began before Zarif took office as foreign minister, that would mean that it has been ongoing for at least 5 years. It would mean that the JCPOA Iran Nuclear Deal was negotiated while Soros’s network was cooperating in unspecified ways with a regime that has openly declared it wants to wipe Israel from the map.

The post REVEALED: Iranian Foreign Minister Admits Regime Has Worked Closely with Soros’s Open Society (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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