Following a morning of interruptions and whining from Democrats as Sen. Chuck Grassley attempted to begin Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing to the Supreme Court, Sen. Ben Sasse had his turn to address the gathered politicians and Kavanaugh supporters.
Sen. Sasse began by lambasting the rhetoric from those opposed to Kavanaugh’s appointment by saying he hates women and children and clean air, accurately calling it “patently absurd.” From there he went on to give the committee — Democrats in particular — exactly the “dad lecture” they clearly were asking for.
Here are some highlights or you can watch the speech in its glorious entirety below.
"The hysteria around Supreme Court confirmation hearings" comes from "a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of the Supreme Court in American life now," @BenSasse says. "Our political commentary talks about the Supreme Court like they're people wearing red and blue jerseys."
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) September 4, 2018
He went on to defend Kavanaugh’s past rulings and point back at Congress for not doing its job and instead want a justice that will legislate from the bench while saying it’s not what they want.
Sen. Ben Sasse: "Judge Kavanaugh doesn't hate women and children. Judge Kavanaugh doesn't lust after dirty water and stinky air. No, looking at his record, it seems to me that what he actually dislikes are legislators that are too lazy and risk-averse to do our actual jobs"
— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) September 4, 2018
Finally, Sasse laid on heavy and told his colleagues to “stop the charades” and called Congress “too lazy and too risk-averse” to do their job. Ouch. But all too true.
Inject this @BenSasse opening statement directly into my veins. Gosh this is amazing
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) September 4, 2018
While Sasse was addressing those in the room, the lecture should be well-heeded by every American. With our rights comes responsibilities to be informed and vote.
Full video:
The post The Only Part of the Kavanaugh Hearing You Need to See is Ben Sasse appeared first on RedState.