
The Truth Comes Out: Trump Campaign Worker Papadopoulos Was Set Up by Deep State And Then Mueller Used It to Indict Him

- September 06, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

George Papadopoulos was a Trump campaign unknown who was indicted by the Mueller team and who later pled guilty to lying to the FBI. Now we know he was set up by a CIA/FBI spy and this set up was then used to indict him.

George Papadopoulos was a young American from the Midwest who wanted to be in politics.  He worked his way into the Trump campaign in early 2016.  After that, his life was flipped upside down.

After connecting with the Trump campaign, Papadopoulos was contacted by numerous individuals within the Deep State whose efforts were to align young George with Russia.  Stefan Halper and Joseph Mifsud were two individuals who met Papadopoulos in the UK and who in turn told him that the Russians had some dirt on Hillary Clinton.  This information was then used against Papadopoulos as he was eventually charged for lying about it to the corrupt Mueller gang.  Halper and Mifsud remain free as they are connected to the Deep State FBI, DOJ and CIA.  It was all a set up.

This week documents from Papadopoulos’s indictment were released.  They show a sleazy effort by the Deep State to hold the young man to information that only the Deep State knew, because they were spying on him and used him as a tool they could easily set up.

Techno Fog outlines the Mueller team’s crooked work in a series of tweets –

Mueller had major problems with Papadopoulos because he told the truth –

So Mueller instead focused on young George’s ‘state of mind’ [i.e. perjury trap] –

Mueller then said the young George interfered with the Mueller gang’s effort to interview Mifsud [who most now believe was a spy used to try and set up young George] –

But this was just another Mueller lie –

More on Mueller’s lies regarding spy Mifsud –

FBI thugs ask George four different questions in a row –

Because Mueller believes Deep State’s spy Mifsud is somebody – he charges young George with lying to the court when he disagreed!

This wasn’t the only time young George was set up. In August the Daily Caller reported

Buried at the bottom of a court document Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed Friday is a reference to a mysterious $10,000 cash payment given to George Papadopoulos, the former Trump campaign adviser who has been charged with giving false statements to the FBI.

On the final page of a memo recommending that Papadopoulos serve up to six months in jail, Mueller said that Papadopoulos told investigators about $10,000 in cash that he received from a foreign national who he suspected to be a foreign spy.

The Daily Caller identified the individual in Mueller’s indictment –

While Mueller’s court filing makes no other reference to the individual, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned that a man named Charles Tawil gave Papadopoulos $10,000 during a meeting in an Israeli hotel room in July 2017.

However, the Conservative Treehouse was able to connect Tawil to the CIA/FBI via WikiLeaks –

Charles Tawil, the guy who reached out to Papadopoulos in Greece; and who ultimately gave Papadopoulos $10,000 in cash; was a previous intelligence asset of the CIA and FBI. SEE WIKILEAKS Cables (circa 2006): Paragraph #8, note:

“These undisclosed sources told Zuma that American citizens (not connected with the U.S. Government) were involved. This in part, coincides with another Embassy contact, Charles Tawil (protect), who told our Economic Counselor on November 29 that Zuma had received information from the mother of the King of Swaziland about CIA attempts to kill Zuma using poisoned clothes from the FBI” (link)

Who was the FBI Director in 2006? Why, Robert Mueller of course.

The Conservative Treehouse points out that Papadopoulos was no doubt set up by Mueller in 2017 by his spy Tawil –

The $10k payment to Papadopoulos was almost guaranteed to be a sting operation; a set-up.

Federal agents were waiting for Papadopoulos at the airport upon his arrival and re-entry into the U.S. If Mr. Papadopoulos had carried that $10k into the U.S. without declaring a U.S. treasury filing, the FBI/DOJ would have nailed him on a treasury violation.

Bringing $10,000 (or more) cash into the U.S., without reporting, is major trouble; add into that aspect the likelihood the set-up included use of an intelligence asset, and the issue can be compounded into laundering money. That’s just the type of leverage Robert Mueller was looking for.

How many spies and lies did Mueller use to set up innocent individuals like Papadopoulos and General Mike Flynn? It’s clear, Mueller and his gang are the real criminals.

The post The Truth Comes Out: Trump Campaign Worker Papadopoulos Was Set Up by Deep State And Then Mueller Used It to Indict Him appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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