Earlier in the day on Friday Senator Jeff Flake announced he would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh out of the Judiciary Committee.
Then he got cornered in an elevator by a screaming leftist for 4 minutes.
About an hour later and after several private talks with Democrats Jeff Flake came out and announced he would only vote for Brett Kavanaugh if an investigation continued on the man for another week.
This was exactly what Democrats were hoping for!
Now this…
The women who were screaming at Senator Jeff Flake in the elevator are Soros-funded astroturfed activists.
There names are Maria Gallagher and Ana Maria Archila.
Flake and Republicans got played.
They celebrated after Flake caved.!
These two heroes, who confronted @JeffFlake this morning, just changed the course of the Kavanaugh process. We❤️you so much, @AnaMariaArchil2 and Maria Gallagher. #StopKavanaugh pic.twitter.com/Hd4gxLWcCE
— Make the Road Action (@MaketheRoadAct) September 28, 2018
Laura Ingraham tweeted:
SOROS STRIKES AGAIN: Flake screamer/assault victim is co-exec. dir. of the Soros-funded left-wing group Center for Democracy & Center for Democracy Action Fund. #astroturf https://t.co/Pvdj841Awz
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) September 29, 2018
The activist leader Ava Maria Archila has NOTHING on her Twitter feed about being a victim but she does have loads of information on being an activist leader.
And Archila also led the Flake ambush on Friday.
Hat Tip Ed
The post WOMEN SCREAMING AT FLAKE IN ELEVATOR Were Soros-Funded Astroturfed Activist Leaders! — NOT VICTIMS appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.