
Amy Schumer: If White NFL Players Don’t Kneel They Must Be RACIST!!

- Oktober 21, 2018

I Feel Pretty (Dumb)

You never know where the in-depth, deep thoughts from the entertainment intelligentsia crowd are going to come from, you just know that they are going to be fabulous and most likely vapid. Enter comedienne Amy Schumer with her hot take on a controversial subject that she most likely had a 15-minute conversation with someone at a party and she has it mastered.

She has enlightened us with her thoughts on the N.F.L. players taking a knee during the national anthem via Instagram. If you are white and not kneeling you gotta be a racist or something.

According to IJR

“I wonder why more white players aren’t kneeling,” Schumer wrote on Instagram. “Once you witness the truly deep inequality and endless racism people of color face in our country, not to mention the police brutality and murders. Why not kneel next to your brothers? Otherwise, how are you not complicit?”

Well done on using the word complicit in that paragraph. Give your assistant a raise.

Now I have been one of the people who has been pretty ambivalent about the protests and the reaction of some to players kneeling. Peaceful protest is a part of our national fabric and should be respected. Most fans should be ticked off about the quality of the NFL product and not the actions of some players who are the living definition of irony.

Yet when someone like Schumer who is a mega-rich entertainer is telling other mega-rich entertainers that are the same color as her that they should be kneeling for something they might not feel is as well defined as she thinks it is, maybe she could slow down a bit. These guys all play together as a team, so if they don’t all think like the ones of different color must be RACISTS?

So if you don’t find a black comediennes bit funny you must be a racist. Got it.

She also delivered the devasting news that she won’t allow herself to be in a Super Bowl ad this year.

“I personally told my reps I wouldn’t do a Super Bowl commercial this year,” Schumer wrote. “I know it must sound like a privilege ass sacrifice but it’s all I got.”

She is a rock.

So what have we learned here?

That someone who would refuse to kneel during the anthem must be racist. Currently, that makes Jim Brown a double racist I guess. Hall of Famer Jim Brown says he’d never kneel during anthem. and I don’t want to be the one to tell him.

That anyone who makes gobs of money all of a sudden thinks they have knowledge of lots of things that they have never put much thought into.

Also that the Super Bowl ads next year have a damn good shot of being amusing.

Thanks, Amy.

In case you missed my other post on a different subject Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Nazis And Global Warning Are Like The Same Thing DUH!! and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks check it out and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2

The post Amy Schumer: If White NFL Players Don’t Kneel They Must Be RACIST!! appeared first on RedState.


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