
But I Thought He was Evil? Trump Attacks the Attacks: ‘Despicable’

- Oktober 27, 2018



During his speech at Turning Point USA’s Young Black Leadership Summit Friday, President Trump addressed the arrest of a suspect in the Democratic big-wigs mail bombs case.

The President announced the news, calling the acts “despicable”:

I’d like to begin today’s remarks by providing an update on the packages and devices that have been mailed to high-profile figures throughout our country and a media organization. I am pleased to inform you that law enforcement has apprehended the suspect and taken him into custody.

[It’s] an incredible job by law enforcement. We’ve carried out a far-reaching federal, state, and local investigation to find the person or persons responsible for these events. These terrorizing acts are despicable and have no place in our country. No place. I’ve instructed authorities to spare no resource or expense in finding those responsible and bringing them to swift and certain justice. And we will prosecute them, him, her – whoever it may be – to the fullest extent of the law.

But I thought Donald Trump was a sinister, evil, maniacal maker of mayhem? This guy sounds like someone who believes in justice. What the hey?

Despite Hollywood (here) and Maxine Waters (here) blaming the apparent terrorism squarely on Trump (that would be…like nuts), The Donald condemned political violence:

We must never allow political violence to take root in America – cannot let it happen. And I’m committed to doing everything in my power as president to stop it, and to stop it now.

I have just concluded a briefing with the Department of Justice following the apprehension of the suspect. I want to applaud the FBI, Secret Service, Department of Justice, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, the NYPD, and all law enforcement throughout the entire country.

In the face of the Left’s constant labeling of him as the most divisive leader the country has ever known, Trump also called for unity — Say it ain’t so!

The bottom line is that Americans must unify, and we must show the world that we are united together in peace and love and harmony as fellow American citizens. There is no country like our country, and every day we are showing the world just how truly great we are.

No one was hurt by the packages — at least, not physically. But what damage has been done to the GOP, as the midterms quickly approach? It’s certainly not gonna boost the red, as noted by Big Don early in the morning:

“Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this ‘Bomb’ stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows – news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!”

It’s a sad thing that — if all the talk can be believed — voters are so fickle as to be shifted by events in the news cycle. But it may very well be the case. Given that, though this episode may have served to cast a shadow, there’s still plenty of time for more outrageous incidents to color the fabric of the elections.

Related to attacks, hopefully, Trump was right in his assessment of the minds of voters:

They’re attacking us because we are speaking the truth, changing people’s minds, and proving every day that our policies work. And that we are really doing what’s right and what’s good. And I get attacked, also. You get attacked. … Come to think of it, who gets attacked more than me?

If minds are being changed, then the prognosis of the midterms may be as well — so that, subsequently, our government can be further changed, and our country. For the better.


Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: anti-reporter Jim Acosta, Melania’s resurgence, and the Left’s devastating immaturity.

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