
Confirmed: Democrat Elissa Slotkin in Michigan Never Voted in MI, Never Owned Property in MI, Owns Home in DC Swamp

- Oktober 20, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Michigan incumbent US Representative Mike Bishop is for Jobs not Mobs.  He’s being challenged by Obama lackey Elissa Slotkin who helped negotiate the failed Iran deal.  She is from outside the district and appears to be a hand-selected puppet of the Far-left establishment.

Michigan Congressman Mike Bishop shows that his competitor Slotkin was sent to Michigan to run against him. She never owned property in Michigan, never paid taxes in Michigan and never voted in Michigan until the primary where she voted for herself.

Slotkin was involved in Obama’s failed Iran deal where Obama sent billions in cold hard cash to the regime in an effort to sign the deal!  This was the worst deal in US and world history and the last straw and reason Donald Trump decided to run for President.

Young conservatives were outside the debate to protest Slotkin’s actions in giving billions to the world’s number one terrorist state.

As explained in Obamabomb: A Dangerous and Growing National Security Fraud, the nuclear deal with Iran and the Obama administration’s defense of it are rife with deceptions and outright lies. False narratives were provided by the Obama administration (which included individuals like Slotkin) that praised the terrible deal that involved the Obama administration providing $150 billion in sanctions relief to Iran after Iran complied with certain requirements. Verification of Iran complying with the deal and not working on gaining nuclear bomb capabilities were not in place in the deal and Obama may have broken the law in ensuring the deal’s execution.

Months after it occurred, news broke that the Obama administration secretly sent $400 million in cash equivalents on an unmarked cargo plane to Iran on January 17, 2016, to facilitate a swap that day of four innocent Americans held by Iran. Seven Iranian criminals held by the US were also released. Obama said that it was not a ransom for the release of the prisoners but later the State Department admitted it was. Another $1.3 billion was later reported as also being provided to Iran.

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, stated that nobody could have predicted that the US foreign policy with Iran could have failed so decisively as it did with the Obama/Kerry/Clinton deal with Iran.

Mike Bishop is right for Michigan.  Obama lackeys like Elissa Slotkin, who helped create the Iran deal, should never represent that great state!

The post Confirmed: Democrat Elissa Slotkin in Michigan Never Voted in MI, Never Owned Property in MI, Owns Home in DC Swamp appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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