
CRUSHED IT…Ben Shapiro Election Shows On Fox Wipe Out The Competition

- Oktober 20, 2018

On A Roll

You know the kids over at CNN and MSNBC are just shaking their heads and wondering when are they going to catch some lightning in a bottle like Fox seems too.

he owned the Sunday night 8 pm slot during the first airings   and last Sunday Night the final of 4 episodes of “Ben Shapiro’s Election Special” ran on Fox during the 8 pm hour and as the previous 3 had done it dominated the ratings for that time slot.

According to the Daily Wire

Statistics provided by TVNewser show that Shapiro’s show had more total viewers than CNN, MSNBC, and HLN combined:

FNC’s Ben Shapiro Election Special: 1,353,000 total viewers, 211,000 in the 25-54 age demographic
CNN’s Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown: 414,000 total viewers, 132,000 in the 25-54 age demographic
MSNBC’s Kasie DC: 496,000 total viewers, 92,000 in the 25-54 age demographic
HLN’s How it Really Happened: 242,000 total viewers, 123,000 in the 25-54 age demographic

He had more total viewers than CNN, MSNBC and HLN ( not the shopping network) COMBINED. I think that is semi-impressive and CNN kids must be really bummed. They really can’t catch a break. No one really watches MSNBC so that is par the course and Headline News is only on in airports I think. That means we have more people in airports watching HLN that are at home watching anything on MSNBC.


Ben Shapiro is having a damn good year and has been on the front line of attacking the fascist mentality of Free Speech being stifled on college campuses. That he did a 4 show run on Fox in the lead up to the midterm elections seems to indicate that the network is looking to him or others to bring in some fresh blood to an outlet that has taken some hits in the past two years.

Hopefully, we see more of ben on Fox in the future.

In case you missed my other post on a different subject DISAPPOINTMENT……. Mueller Probe Is A Dud. and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks check it out and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2

The post CRUSHED IT…Ben Shapiro Election Shows On Fox Wipe Out The Competition appeared first on RedState.


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