
Fox Hosts in Fiery Duel: Shepard Smith Called Out By Chris Wallace For Blaming President Trump For Mail Bomber (Video)

- Oktober 27, 2018

Fox News Channel hosts Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace engaged in a fiery debate on Smith’s show Friday afternoon after Smith blamed the rhetoric of President Donald Trump for the mail bombs targeting Democrats and CNN allegedly sent by Trump supporter Cesar Sayoc, who was arrested earlier Friday.

Smith opened the segment with Wallace, who was on to promote his Fox News Sunday show, by saying:

“Chris, you just can’t ignore the politics of all this even if you wanted to. These are people the President has gone after rhetorically. These are people this guy targeted. He’s a big supporter. It goes to the tone and tenor of the political discourse and the words that the President uses at his rallies and all the rest”

Wallace replied you can’t hold Trump responsible just like Bernie Sanders wasn’t held responsible for the shooting up by his supporter of a Republican gathering. Smith got defensive and kept insisting that he wasn’t blaming Trump, and then would blame Trump, saying accusatory things like, “The rhetoric from the podium, the ‘CNN sucks’ chants, the ‘lock her up’ chants, it doesn’t bring unity.”

Watch the video for the complete debate which lasted about the whole block and barely left time to promote Wallace’s guests for Fox News Sunday.

This got ugly.



The post Fox Hosts in Fiery Duel: Shepard Smith Called Out By Chris Wallace For Blaming President Trump For Mail Bomber (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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