
FROM HERO TO ZERO=> Liberal Media Hacks Blame Creepy Porn Lawyer and his Latest ‘Victim’ for Kavanaugh Vote

- Oktober 06, 2018

How quickly things change.
It seems like it was just yesterday when Michael Avenatti was partying with the media elites.

Michael Avenatti, the anti-Trump hack attorney for Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick had a meltdown on Twitter after Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) singled out Swetnick’s incredulous allegations and followed by announcing at the end of a 45-minute Senate floor speech she would vote in favor of the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

It wasn’t long after the announcement by Susan Collins that Democrats went on the rampage.

And they started pointing fingers at the creepy porn lawyer.

Politico reporter Rachael Bade immiediately blamed Michael Avenatti and his entry into national discussion.

CNN’s Kyle Feldscher piled on Avenatti.

And even the Washington Post threw shade at Avenatti tonight.

The post FROM HERO TO ZERO=> Liberal Media Hacks Blame Creepy Porn Lawyer and his Latest ‘Victim’ for Kavanaugh Vote appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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