
HERE WE GO=> Trump-Appointed Judge Has Serious Doubts About Mueller’s Junk Russian Bot Case

- Oktober 19, 2018

It looks like Robert Mueller’s publicity stunt is backfiring bigly.

U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich, a Trump-appointee, is having very serious doubts about Mueller’s garbage case against Russian company Concord Management.

Indicted Russian company Concord Management filed a motion to have Mueller’s case dismissed and raised arguments in court earlier this week.

Judge Dabney Friedrich is having serious doubts about the ‘conspiracy against the U.S.’ charges against Concord Management brought forth by the Special Counsel.

In a new court order Thursday, the Judge said Concord Management’s conduct was not in violation of the law.

A New York lawyer breaks down the new court order:

We already know that the basis for the Special Counsel was fraudulent.

Now we’re seeing entities being charged with conduct that isn’t criminal.

The indictment included “conspiracy against the US” charges for failing to register for social media spends, political activities, etc.

However, the Special Counsel insists that it doesn’t have to show Concord “had a legal duty to report.”

How is it conspiracy if there’s no underlying illegal conduct or no illegal ends?

Here’s your answer:

Concord could have interfered with the FEC’s ability to determine whether “statutes were violated.”

That’s it.

This is exceedingly dangerous.

And it gives a roadmap to how the Special Counsel will treat Trump.

Mueller did the same thing to Paul Manafort.

7 alleged statutory violations. He pled guilty to 2 counts.

Only 1 of those counts had to do with the indictment – the other involved his alleged conspiracy to obstruct justice through witness tampering.

Mueller’s team must file a brief clarifying its position on or before October 23rd.

Read the court order here.

The post HERE WE GO=> Trump-Appointed Judge Has Serious Doubts About Mueller’s Junk Russian Bot Case appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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