Update: Sen. Mitch McConnell plans to keep the findings only available to Senators, as per usual. We’ll see how long convenient portions from either side start leaking out. This is one case where, given the public allegations and smears of both Blasey and Kavanaugh, I believe the more transparency the better.
McConnell says the Kavanaugh FBI supplemental background investigation results will only be available to Senators (which is how the background investigation file is typically, but there had been calls for it to be public)
— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) October 2, 2018
After making both Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford’s lives a living hell the last few weeks, and being one of the few people who knew Ford’s name when she wanted to remain anonymous, Sen. Dianne Feinstein doesn’t want the FBI’s further interviews into the allegations made public.
.@SenFeinstein indicates that the FBI report on Kavanaugh should NOT be made public: “It would seem to me that if people are going to be identified this ought to be held very close and not."
"I think the investigation ought to be closely held," she reiterated.
— Elizabeth Landers (@ElizLanders) October 2, 2018
Of course, this also means Judge Kavanaugh will be denied a full and public exoneration if the FBI turns up nothing that lends any credibility to Blasey’s 35-year-old questionable memories.
Most of the names the FBI will be interviewing are already known to the media and the public. So, it’s interestingly convenient that Feinstein wants to keep Kavanaugh from clearing his name and to get his life back on track following the last disastrous month.
Seeing as how it’s Kavanaugh’s life and name on the line here, one would hope he’d get more of a say than Dianne “Oops, did I let that name slip” Feinstein, who cannot be counted among honest actors in any sense of the phrase.
The post How Convenient! Dianne Feinstein Doesn’t Want Kavanaugh FBI Findings Made Public appeared first on RedState.