
HUGE! Blocks Long Line of Supporters Camp Out Overnight for Trump Houston #MAGA Rally With Ted Cruz; Outdoor Tailgate Party to Start at 9 AM!

- Oktober 21, 2018

Trump supporters started lining up early Sunday morning for the President’s rally in Houston, Texas, Monday night supporting the reelection campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz. The line swelled into the evening to about a thousand or more before midnight, wrapping around several long city blocks. The Trump campaign has been overwhelmed by the massive number of ticket requests. The rally has been relocated from the 8,000 seat NRG Arena to the 19,000 seat Toyota Center. But that was not good enough as over 100,000 tickets have been requested so an outdoor “tailgate” party is being set up outside the Toyota Center to accommodate the expected massive crowds of Trump and Cruz supporters.

A tweet posted at 3:37 p.m. CDT shows the line already had many Trump supporters camping out over 24 hours before the 6:30 p.m. Monday start of the rally.

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale announced on Twitter Sunday night that the tailgate party will start at 9 a.m. CDT, “Hey news media: the Trump Campaign tailgater starts tomorrow morning at 9:00 am – Food trucks, 10:00 am – Live music… and more! Please update your stories!

More photos from attendees, followed at the end by a great video of the line posted by a group of women, The Deplorable Choir, who will be singing at the rally and tailgater Monday.

A brief video clip posted at 9:55 p.m. CDT by the woman who took the 3:37 p.m. photo above says she’s been told the line stretches four or five blocks.

Video taken at 6:55 p.m. shows hundreds already in line well for a long city block and a-half.


The “Blue Wave” arrives.

Another early view of the line (from back to front).

CNN’s Betsy Klein, “Trump supporters are already lined up for blocks in Downtown Houston…”

Wow. Just wow. This write is hard pressed to remember a campaign rally that has exploded in interest in a matter of days like this one has from an 8,000 seat to arena to 19,000, to an overflow crowd to an all-day tailgate party.



The post HUGE! Blocks Long Line of Supporters Camp Out Overnight for Trump Houston #MAGA Rally With Ted Cruz; Outdoor Tailgate Party to Start at 9 AM! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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