Guest post by Janice Atkinson, United Kingdom MEP
This week was the end of the UK party conference season.
Each political party brings its members together to rally and articulate future policy.
Last week saw the red flag flying with Marxism’s finest, the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn.
The party of Nye Bevan and Clement Attlee proved it must be kept out of government at all costs. Anti-Semitic and Trotskyite they want to nationalise everything and take taxes to the extreme.
They offered wholesale socialism, the takeover of companies with the brothers’ workers’ boards, higher taxes and policies from the magic money tree offered to millennials, those that have only known lowish taxation, low unemployment and low interest rates. Lied to that lack of affordable housing is due to evil capitalism and overseas buyers, rather than uncontrolled immigration, they like the cut of Corbyn’s jib.
Educated by the liberal left that has taken over our educational establishments, so-called universities, that generation has dimmed conservatism.
The faux Conservative party’s conference has just finished.
Mrs May sashayed onto the stage to Abba’s ‘Dancing Queen’. Seriously! The Prime Minister, in name only.
A light joke, at the end of what has been an extremely difficult week for her.
She referred to Brexit – unable to utter the words ‘Chequers Deal’ which has been rejected by the EU and her own party, saying she will walk away if she cannot get a good deal.
Yet, she shies away from backing the WTO no-deal option or even a Canada plus free trade pact.
She said: “If we all go off in different directions in pursuit of our own visions of the perfect Brexit, we risk ending up with no Brexit at all.” And that is what Brexiteers fear.
She remains at heart a Remainer. (Wanting to stay in the EU for all purposes).
The electorate do not trust her, her party does not trust her, and half of her cabinet do not trust her.
We fear that she will throw in the towel, declare it’s all too difficult and do one of two things:
1. Call a General Election rather than allow a leadership contest, thus stopping Jacob Rees-Mogg or Boris Johnson becoming leader and prime minister. She would rather risk our country and damn her party, which could let the Marxists into power.
2. She allows a ‘Peoples Vote’, a second referendum on Brexit. She will call the terms of the referendum and the questions to be asked.
There is no appetite for a second referendum, what was the point of the first if democracy is not honoured and it will further erode the voters’ trust which is already hanging by a thread?
The polls overwhelmingly want her just to get on with delivering Brexit.
The liberal left establishment of the media and people like Tony Blair, Richard Branson and George Soros is only fuelling the second referendum – you get the picture.
The Marxists would exploit a second referendum but it is a difficult move for them because, although their politicians would prefer to stay in the EU, their membership and voters voted overwhelmingly to leave.
There were no big ideas from the Conservatives.
Just grandstanding and disappointing speeches from uninspiring people who are all hoping to be the next prime minister. Boris Johnson was on the sidelines where he gave a “Chuck Chequers” speech to a robust audience but he did not mount a leadership challenge.
Where is our Trump or Salvini?
One of the few good ideas that I could get behind would be very low corporation tax, say 10% as floated.
But why wait until Brexit?
Do it now.
It’ll frighten Brussels to death.
Janice Ann Atkinson is an independent Member of the European Parliament for the South East England region, formerly representing the UK Independence Party (UKIP). She was elected in 2014, second on the list for the region behind Nigel Farage.
The post Janice Atkinson: The State of Our Disunion: The United Kingdom appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.