
Joe Biden Tops List of Preferred 2020 Nominees (While Michael Avenatti’s Ranking Is Hilariously Abysmal)

- Oktober 15, 2018

On Sunday, CNN released a poll showing who Democrats prefer as their nominee for the 2020 presidential election. If the results are any indication of what’s in store, I think it’s safe to say that President Trump may easily win reelection.

If we’re being honest, there just isn’t anyone on the left side of the aisle who can match the president’s unorthodox behavior. He was and continues to be nothing like we’ve ever seen before in American politics. Also, the Trump administration can tout a robust economy, low unemployment, and fierce foreign policy. These only serve to increase his appeal to regular Americans.

The opposition is desperate to find someone – anyone – to challenge the man who vanquished Hillary Clinton. Topping their list? Unsurprisingly, some old white guys.

In the race for the Democratic nomination to face Trump, former Vice President Biden leads a massive potential field. The poll asked Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents to choose their preferred presidential nominee among 16 possible candidates. Biden tops the list with 33% support, followed by independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the 2016 runner-up, at 13%. Sen. Kamala Harris of California follows at 9%, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts at 8%. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey and 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry garnered 5% support.

Way down at the bottom of the list is none other than creepy porn lawyer, Michael Avenatti.

Less than 1% said they back Rep. John Delaney of Maryland, the only declared candidate in the field, and just 1% choose attorney Michael Avenatti, who has been visiting early primary and caucus states.

I can’t think of a better position for a desperate, attention-seeker like him, can you?

As we know, Avenatti represents Stormy Daniels, the porn star who has tried to parlay her own choices and material gain from a sexual encounter with Donald Trump into victimhood. More recently, he has represented Julie Swetnick, the third of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers whose wild allegations were rightly deemed to not be credible. Swetnick wasn’t even seriously considered during the additional Senate Judiciary Committee hearing or the supplemental FBI investigation. Yet, Avenatti has persisted.

Somehow, because of the media spotlight, Avenatti believes himself to be a huge threat to the president and an ideal nominee for 2020. He has said as much on social media in recent days.

Most amusing of all, he thinks everyone is terrified of him.

Delusional much? No one is looking your way and trembling, Michael.

Avenatti is very much an opportunist as made clear by his attempts to undermine the president and his nominee. In fact, one could make the argument that the addition of Julie Swetnick and her outlandish allegations turned what would have been a concerning series of events into an outright farce. So, I doubt very much that Democrats have much affection for Attorney Avenatti. And if you’re polling behind Michael Bloomberg, John Kerry, Beto O’Rourke, and Eric Holder, then your chances of being the Democratic darling for 2020 are entirely nonexistent.

Then again, Avenatti isn’t one to be bothered by reality.

As it stands right now, the list of potential challengers to the president should only encourage one side: the Republicans. It’s difficult to picture anyone, even likable, experienced former Vice President Joe Biden, besting President Trump at the polls on November 3, 2020. The enthusiasm behind the 45th president is great, the economy is strong, and, most of all, there is no equivalent politician on the Democratic side.

While stranger things have happened (see November 8, 2016), it’s Democrats who should feel very worried about these polling results.

Kimberly Ross is a senior contributor at RedState and a contributor to the Washington Examiner’s Beltway Confidential blog. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Joe Biden Tops List of Preferred 2020 Nominees (While Michael Avenatti’s Ranking Is Hilariously Abysmal) appeared first on RedState.


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