
Oh H*ll, Why Not. Is Another Caravan of Immigrants Coming?

- Oktober 27, 2018

Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.

The First Wave

You just had to know this was going to happen!

Migrants gather on Guatemala border, as another mass exodus to the U.S. takes shape

The fine folks over at USA Today brought us this piece:

TECUN UMAN, Guatemala — Several hundred migrants from Honduras had gathered in the center of this bustling border town Thursday with more streaming in by the hour in what could be the beginning of another mass exodus of people headed to the U.S. through Mexico.

Some of the migrants in the town’s main plaza said Thursday that they were waiting for a wave of new migrants to arrive that could number between 1,500 and 4,000 people, similar to the huge caravan of migrants that passed through this town just five days earlier.

With the bridge connecting Tecun Uman in Guatemala with Ciudad Hidalgo in Mexico still closed, migrants said they planned to cross the Suchiate River that divides the two countries en masse — either on rafts or by wading across areas where the brown churning water is only waist deep.

The first question that crossed my mind was, why do they think this won’t work against them?  The second one was, will Trump decide that enough is enough and deal with the first caravan as if it really is only the first of many waves of people that want to invade this country?

The article continues with the mandatory emotional appeals.

In the central plaza in Tecun Uman, meanwhile, what is shaping into a major humanitarian crisis spanning Central America, Mexico and the United States continued to unfold.

The plaza was lined with about 300 migrants from Honduras, sitting on benches, lying on the pavement, and gathered under an open-air stage, in whatever shade they could find to protect them from the blazing sun. All were waiting to decide what’s next.

Several migrants said they were determined to get to the United States, even if it meant dying trying to get there. They described deteriorating conditions in Honduras under President Juan Orlando Hernandez, who was re-elected in November in balloting many Hondurans believe was marred by fraud, but supported by the United States.

“We are in a horrible crisis in our country,” said Gabriela Patricia Aguilar Lainez, 37, as she stood in the plaza in the sweltering heat, while her 3-year-old daughter cried. “We are in a political crisis, an economic crisis, and a crime crisis.”

Aguilar Lainez said she was traveling with her four children, ranging in age from 3 to 18, and her 16-year-old sister. It had taken them six days to travel from Nacaome, her hometown in Honduras, to the Guatemalan border with Mexico, by walking and hitching rides.

I particularly like how they turned the 3rd world conditions that exist outside of the US into a humanitarian crises in the US.

I point out fairly regularly that the US does not have anything in our immigration laws addressing a country’s citizens fleeing crappy economic conditions or unsafe environments but that doesn’t stop the MSM from trying to pull our strings with this next sentence.

A week earlier, she said, hit men had killed a 14-year-old boy from her neighborhood, cementing her decision to flee to the U.S., where a sister lives in Virginia.

I think we owe a debt of gratitude to the folks that are helping this narrative along, it comes perfectly timed for Trump and the GOP’s Vichy arm to stiffen their backs and deal with the security on the border as if it really matters in protecting our nation.

The question is, will anyone use this piece to highlight the stakes associated with letting the first caravan to cross into this country?

The post Oh H*ll, Why Not. Is Another Caravan of Immigrants Coming? appeared first on RedState.


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