
President Trump Greets Young Black Leaders in White House – Touts Record-Breaking Economic Results for African-Americans (VIDEO)

- Oktober 27, 2018

President Trump was greeted with thunderous applause at the White House Friday from members of the Young Black Leadership Summit as he detailed how “America First” policies are imminently benefiting the African-America community.

Economic opportunity is soaring and unemployment is dropping for African-Americans under the Trump administration, the president explained.

“African-American unemployment rate hit the lowest level ever recorded in the history of our country. Think about that–that is in history, that’s a tough soundbite for my opponent, whoever that opponent is. And we are going to do better and better and better. The unemployment rate for African-American women has hit the lowest number ever recorded. African-American youth unemployment is the lowest level ever recorded in history. African-American poverty rate is at its lowest level in history.”

“This is awfully tough for Democrats to beat. Business ownership by African-American and Hispanic women is growing at a faster rate than any other group. Its called winning, right? But we still have  a lot to do.”

Trump repudiated the notion of that putting “America First” is racist.

“Whether you are African-American or Hispanic-American or any American, you have the right to live in a country that puts your needs first. I heard this one a couple weeks, I said, give me a break – they said, ‘America First, that could be racist.’ I said, racist? Racist? Why is that racist?” Trump asked members of the summit during his White House remarks.

“Here we are, I think does everyone in this room agree? You’re living in America. America First, right? Racist?” Trump asked, prompting the audience indicated to break out into cheers and chants of “U-S-A! U-S-A!”

The “worst tendency” in politics, Trump said, is to tell others “what they should believe based on their race or religion or color.”

“We reject the politics of division and we embrace the unity of being American,” he said. “We are one people, one family, and we are one nation saluting our great American flag.”

The president reminded the group that when he was running for president, he had asked black Americans to give him a chance.

“‘What the hell do you have to lose?’ Remember? Remember?” he asked the crowd. African-American unemployment has dropped, “the lowest level ever recorded in the history of our country,” he declared, to cheers in the room.

“The crime was horrible in the African-American community,” he continued. “Every one of those communities is run by the Democrats. Crime, worse education, worse median income, highest unemployment rate in the country by far. I’m reading these numbers and I just looked and said vote, ‘for me what the hell do you have to lose.’ I finished the speech and got a big applause. And my people told me, ‘sir you shouldn’t’ have said that. That’s disrespectful.’ Then I said it over and over in every speech ad African-American [approval] went up and up.”

Trump warned that the caravan of Central Americans making their way north through Mexico will under no condition be permitted in the U.S., warning that illegal immigration is the most harmful to African-American and Hispanic workers because their wages are being depressed.

“It’s a big caravan,” he said. “I called up the military. We’re not letting them in.”

The United States welcomes immigrants, the president said, however, “Do we want them to apply and come in legally? Absolutely. And we also want people to come in on merit.”

Trump praised rapper Kanye West, noting that pollsters told him that his approval ratings among African-Americans went up 26 points after his his meeting with West.

“Kanye may be the most powerful man in American politics,” Trump added.

Donald Trump Jr., HUD Director Ben Carson and conservative commentator Stacey Dash spoke at a Young Black Leadership Summit, hosted by Turning Point USA, on Thursday, as well Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens, who Kanye West tweeted in favor of in April will also be featured at the event summit.

West met with Owens and Turning Point USA’s founder and president Charlie Kirk in Los Angeles a week after his tweet.

Owens joined Turning Point USA in November 2017. She told Kirk she wanted to lead the black community away from the victim mentality promulgated by the left. The pair have since launched a speaking tour on campuses around the country.

Trump’s approval rating among black voters has increased to 36 percent, according to a Rasmussen poll conducted in August.

The post President Trump Greets Young Black Leaders in White House – Touts Record-Breaking Economic Results for African-Americans (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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