
RedState’s Watercooler, 10/3 Open Thread: Academia Gets An Overdue Trolling

- Oktober 04, 2018


Welcome back to another installment of the Watercooler, RedState’s daily Open Thread! Today, we’ve got…

Study Finds, Studies are Biased

Streiff sent out a headsup on this by email, and I’m running with it–mind you, the source, Yascha Mounk, writes for Slate and is no conservative, so when the Left starts losing their own that’s telling. Apparently, three enterprising trolls planted twenty hoax academic papers across various mid-tier academic journals, and managed to get seven past peer review and published! I believe Rush calls this “Demonstrating Absurdity by Being Absurd”…

Subjects included:

  • “Encourag[ing] teachers to institute a form of ‘experiential reparation’ by making their white students sit on the ground bound in chains.”
  • “Label[ing] men who masturbate while thinking about a woman without gaining her prior consent as perpetrators of sexual violence.”
  • “Dismiss[ing] western astronomy as sexist and imperialist, making a case for physics departments to study feminist astrology instead.”
  • Or how ’bout a literal feminist rewrite of Hitler’s Mein Kampf? (“Our Struggle is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to Neoliberal and Choice Feminism,” published in the clearly biased Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work.)

Check out Mounk’s Twitter summary at https://twitter.com/Yascha_Mounk/status/1047334806600777728, or check out our enterprising young scholar-trolls’ writeup in their own words at https://ift.tt/2y94hZc . The latter is long but worth the read, at the very least do scroll down to Parts V (the list of Hoax Papers and the results from each) and VI (the conclusion). It’s worth the read for just how absurd some of the crap they got past Peer Review is…


This Week In History

  • Sunday, 9/30: Edison’s first hydropower plant opens, 1882; Hoover Dam dedicated, 1935 (guess 9/30 is a Big Dam Day!); USS Nautilus introduces nuclear-powered submarines, 1954
  • Monday, 10/1: Yosemite NP established, 1890; Reckoning at Nuremberg, 1946; first practical CT scanner used in patient diagnosis, 1971
  • Tuesday, 10/2: Redcoat spy John Andre hanged, 1780; Wilson has stroke and wife de-facto usurps Presidency, 1919; Twilight Zone premieres, 1959
  • Wednesday, 10/3: Washington proclaims first national Thanksgiving, 1789; Lincoln permanently sets Turkey Day as last Thursday in November, 1863; first flight of Space Shuttle Atlantis, 1985
  • Thursday, 10/4: Battle of Germantown, 1777; Texas A&M opens, 1876; Orient Express’s first run, 1883
  • Friday, 10/5: Anaheim, CA founded, 1857; first intentional air-combat kill, 1914; Disneyland Hotel opens, 1955
  • Saturday, 10/6: Fall of Continental defenses on Hudson River, 1777; Naval War College founded, 1884; Third Battle of Matanikau begins, 1942

Today’s Birthdays: Author Gore Vidal, 1925; singers Chubby Checker, 1941 and Lindsey Buckingham, 1949; sportscaster Darrin Fletcher, 1966.

Holidays Around the World: Germany celebrates German Unity Day, Honduras has Morazan Day and Korea observes National Foundation Day.

This Week In History is compiled with assistance from History.com and Wikipedia. Something interesting not listed here? Please share in the Comments section–this is an Audience Participation Encouraged featurette.


Gratuitous Gun Giveaways

*Note: FMG Publishing giveaways require you to provide an FFL dealer’s info at entry. Aero Precision giveaways give me one entry each per person who uses my referral link.


Public Service Announcement for “Sanctuary State” Residents
If you would like to report illegal aliens, please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). They will need to know names, locations (either work place or residence) and any other specific information you can provide. Visit http://www.ice.gov for more information.


Quote of the Day

One we should never forget about what some people really think of us.

“My favorite part of comments on my articles is NOT READING THEM.”
–Kimberly Ross, on Twitter


As always, the Watercooler is an Open Thread. And as so eloquently coined by ntrepid, “Thanks for the click! Your effort helps fund future posts of this nature.”

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The post RedState’s Watercooler, 10/3 Open Thread: Academia Gets An Overdue Trolling appeared first on RedState.


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