
Shrieking Fake-Blood Faced Activists Protest Kavanaugh – Block Streets With “DIE-IN” At Federal Courthouse (VIDEO)

- Oktober 05, 2018


With “bloody” handprints over their mouths and signs that say they are being “silenced” by the Senate, a gaggle of wacked out protesters in Portland (duh, of course, where else) staged a screaming die-in protest in front of the Hatfield federal courthouse.

Ladies, gentlemen, and those of non-conforming gender, we present you today’s modern leftists:

Portland, Ore. protest against S.C. nominee Brett Kavanaugh

After lying in silence in a Portland street for 36 minutes, this is how the protest against Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination ended.Read more: k2ne.ws/2IFq6Ei

Posted by KATU News on Thursday, October 4, 2018

These are the people who say that Trump is mentally unstable.

KGW provides a more thorough piece:

It should be noted that Andrea Paluso isn’t just a random activist who happened to end up in front of the video cameras. She’s a professional protester, founder of the far left shill non profit Family Foward. Also note the person on the step ladder choreographing the astroturfers.

KOIN 6 provides a different take:

More photos, by KATU news:



The post Shrieking Fake-Blood Faced Activists Protest Kavanaugh – Block Streets With “DIE-IN” At Federal Courthouse (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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