
Update: Doxxer Jackson Cosko Who Leaked Personal Info of GOP Lawmakers Online Is Being Paid by Outside Liberal Group

- Oktober 08, 2018

Democrat staffer and doxxer Jackson Cosko

Last Wednesday, Capitol Police arrested 27-year-old Jackson Cosko of DC for “allegedly posted private, identifying information (doxxing) about one or more United States Senators.”

But it was worse than we thought.

Accused doxxer 27-year-old Jackson Cosko threatened to leak Republican Senators’ children’s health information if any witnesses dared go to the authorities about his criminal activities.

But now there are questions about his employment status. Julie Gunlock at American Greatness suggests Cosko is being paid as a fellow from an outside liberal group.

While she claims Cosko was an “unpaid intern” in her office, the Washington Post reports that Cosko was actually a “fellow.” This was confirmed by Cosko’s lawyer, who said his client was a “fellow” in Jackson-Lee’s office and that he was being paid by an “outside institution.”

What “outside institution” paid for Cosko’s fellowship? Did that entity know about his illegal activities? What other fellowships does this “outside organization” pay for? What other House or Senate offices are hosting fellows paid by this organization?

“Intern” and “fellow” are not interchangeable because they aren’t even close to being the same thing. While internships are reserved for inexperienced college students, fellowships are usually serious policy positions and are typically filled by professionals working within other federal agencies or the private sector who are brought to a congressional office for a short stint to help a member of Congress better understand the agency or business for which that member has oversight responsibilities…

…According to the Legistorm website and a report by the Washington Post, Cosko was employed as a paid congressional aide to Hassan from January 2017 until May of this year and had the title “legislative correspondent and systems administrator.” Yet according to the same database, his pay ended on March 31, not in May.

Cosko also worked for former Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and some media reports also state that before his paid position with Boxer, he had an unpaid internship with Senator Feinstein (a timeframe that would put him in his early 20s and a much more normal age for an internship).

The latest media reports on Cosko are chilling. They detail how after sneaking into Senator Hassan’s office at 10 p.m. (an office he was not authorized to enter since he had been fired months earlier), he logged onto a computer using the login information of a still (for now) employed Hassan staffer. When he was discovered and shooed out of the office by another Hassan staffer who ostensibly was working late that night, he sent that staffer a threatening note: “If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children’s health information and socials,” meaning Social Security numbers.

So, according to the information available on Cosko, including his own lawyer’s statements about his client’s employment history, along with the latest story revealing Cosko’s depraved threat, it’s seems clear Cosko isn’t some unlucky and overzealous intern who got caught being a naughty boy. Rather, it seems Cosko might be a Democratic operative, paid by an outside organization, planted in an unpopular congresswoman’s office possibly so he could engage in exactly the type of behavior that just got him arrested.

The post Update: Doxxer Jackson Cosko Who Leaked Personal Info of GOP Lawmakers Online Is Being Paid by Outside Liberal Group appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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