
WTF? San Diego State Again Offering Trump Impeachment Courses

- Oktober 29, 2018

In case you were wondering what was going on in our taxpayer-funded education system, allow me to give you a look.

According to College Fix, San Diego State is offering a course called “Trump: Impeachment, Removal or Conviction”…again. It was once removed as a course from the college after a national outcry, but the course is apparently available again.

In fact, little has changed about it since it last popped up as an option according to College Fix, with the exception of the title of the course. Now they’ve taken out the word “Trump,” from the title so that it seems more like it applies to all Presidents. However, the syllabus remains unchanged, and nearly half of it is all about President Donald Trump.

Hilariously, the college maintained that the name was offputting, and didn’t want to focus on Trump according to College Fix:

The College Fix obtained the fall 2018 course syllabus through a California Public Records Act request after SDSU did not return emails and phone messages seeking the document.

The course teaches students how a president can be impeached and even indicted based on “foreign emoluments, climate change, racism, religious bias … nepotism” and “false statements” — all categories that fit common allegations against President Donald Trump.

The taxpayer-funded university told Fox News in February that it would change the name of the course going forward. “In retrospect” it determined that focusing exclusively on President Donald Trump was “inconsistent with the course content described.”

What’s more, the syllabus covers nearly every leftist talking point that lends any weight to the reasoning toward Trump’s impeachment according to College Fix:

The syllabus appears not to have been proofread carefully. Under “Special Counsel Investigation,” it says the FBI “conducted an investigation or [sic] Russian interference with the election and lings [sic] to Trump’s campaign” after the 2016 election.

The course includes Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on the grounds that Comey announced “an investigation into Hillary Clinton shortly before the election” and “was not doing a good job.”

It covers the appointment of Robert Mueller, former director of the FBI, as special counsel to investigate “any links or coordination between the Russian government and Trump’s campaign.”

Without fully naming the “former British intelligence operative,” the syllabus refers to Michael Steele and his “dossier.” It says he did an “investigation” on Trump’s dealings with Russia that was turned over to the FBI and made public.

Professor John Banzhaf of George Washington University reviewed the course and called the reasoning for Trump’s impeachment according to the course is “patently absurd.”

“Although the grounds for impeachment are vague and malleable,” wrote Banzhaf in an email to College Fix, “it is clear beyond any doubt that climate change, racism, and religious bias are not sufficient grounds for impeachment.”

Just to let you know, there is currently somewhere around $1.5 trillion worth of student debt in the United States, much of it will never be paid back due to students either not graduating, or graduating with degrees that amount to little more than cheap toilet paper in the job market. In the midst of this woefully under-reported crisis, this is the kind of useful information they’re teaching our children.

The post WTF? San Diego State Again Offering Trump Impeachment Courses appeared first on RedState.


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