
Americans Are Ready for the DOJ to Bring Justice and Finally “Drain the Swamp”!

- November 20, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Americans are so tired of seeing their duly-elected President Trump crucified for a fake Russia collusion conspiracy while the real criminals in the Department of Justice, the FBI and the Democrat Party go untouched.

It’s past time for the Justice Department to finally “Drain the Swamp” and “Lock Her Up”!

Before the 2016 election, Americans across the country were demanding that candidate Donald Trump clean Washington of the corruption and criminal cancer that plagued the Obama Administration and their DC cronies.

At rally after rally Americans demanded that when elected, President Trump “Drain the Swamp”

Americans were just as eager to see the corrupt Hillary Clinton also be brought to justice.  The entire country knew that the FBI and DOJ were corrupt and contaminated when Hillary was exonerated of all wrongdoing after lying many times then destroying evidence related to her off-site email server.

They screamed “Lock Her Up” and still do at President Trump’s rallies –

Now it’s time.  Sleeping Jeff Sessions is gone.  A new sheriff is in town.  He is Acting AG Matthew Whitaker, a former Big Ten football tight end and scholar athlete.

Americans want justice and can wait no longer.  There is more than enough evidence to indict Hillary Clinton for her email crimes. 

The Uranium One sale and the donations to the Clinton Foundation must be looked into and indictments produced.   How could Obama and his Secretary of State approve the sale of 20% of the country’s uranium to Russia and then receive millions in apparent kick backs?  This is the real Russia scandal and all of America knows it.

The FBI and DOJ are corrupt.  The Mueller investigation proves it.  How could any criminal investigation into the President start with no crime, be allowed to look into anything, be run by a gang of conflicted Hillary supporters and continue based on a fake dossier lie?  The FBI, DOJ and Mueller gang are an outrage to ordinary law abiding citizens in the US!

Americans are ready for justice and there are signs that justice may soon be coming.  Hillary is being asked to answer questions on her email server.  These were pressed by Judicial Watch and not the DOJ however:

Others give us an indication that indictments are coming against the corrupt Obama team, including his corrupt former CIA Head:

God and country loving Americans demand justice.  It cannot come soon enough!  Mr. President please make it so, for the sake of our union, make it so!

The post Americans Are Ready for the DOJ to Bring Justice and Finally “Drain the Swamp”! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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