
Antifa Terrorists Attack Home of Patriot Protest Organizer – Hurl Brick Through His Window

- November 21, 2018

Violent leftists rioted again on Saturday in Philadelphia.

A very small group of pro-American activists planned a protest called “We The People” to take place Saturday in Philadelphia.

But a very few number of conservative protesters showed up.
So the far left activists beat the hell out of a Jewish man walking down the street.

Now this…
The Antifa terrorist group attacked the home of the patriotic “We the People” protest.

They chucked a rock through his window and almost hit his girlfriend.

Big League Politics reported:

The Philadelphia man who organized last weekend’s patriotic “We The People” rally had his house vandalized and a brick thrown through his window, narrowly missing his girlfriend’s face.

Zach Rehl tells Big League Politics he has now been doxxed by Antifa twice, with the most recent incident resulting in an attack on his home leaving a broken window, smashed glass, and the word “Nazi” by his front door.

To provoke this, Rehl says he organized a series of “We The People” rallies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. According to Rehl, these rallies celebrate America, and give mainstream conservatives and young people a chance to meet each other in the Democrat stronghold of Philadelphia.

The post Antifa Terrorists Attack Home of Patriot Protest Organizer – Hurl Brick Through His Window appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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