
Good Riddance: Brenda Snipes Was Accused of Corruption and Incompetence 14 Times Before the 2018 Election

- November 18, 2018

Broward County Elections Supervisor resigned on Sunday night after the Florida handcount concluded.

Snipes had a long history of corruption and incompetence.

On Election night Brenda Snipes originally reported 634,000 votes were cast in the midterm election in her county.

By last week on Friday morning Snipes said 717,000 votes were cast in her county in the midterm election.

Broward County Democrats mysteriously found 83,000 votes in two days!

She still has not explained how this happened.

Brenda Snipes has been accused of criminal activity and incompetence at least 14 times — before this year’s election.

A quick search on her name reveals 12 times Brenda Snipes was accused of criminal activity before this year’s election.

Brenda Snipes has been accused of:
1.) Illegally destroying ballots
2.) Not mailing out absentee ballots
3.) Systemic breakdowns making it difficult for Floridians to cast votes
4.) Posted election results BEFORE POLLS CLOSED!
5.) Sued for leaving amendments off the ballots
6.) Did not notify voters their absentee ballot expired
7.) Having staffers campaign while on the clock
8.) Problems publishing ballots
9.) Ballot stuffing
10.) Voters receiving defective ballots
11.) Piles of ballots cropped up way after Election Day
12.) Opening ballots in private

And as reported earlier…
13.) In 2016, just days before the November election, Republicans sued Brenda Snipes for illegally opening thousands of mail-in ballots before the election without supervision.

14.) And in July 2017 Snipes admitted in court that non-citizens were voting in Broward County.

Why is this woman not behind bars?
And why is Brenda Snipes STILL in charge of Broward County elections?

The post Good Riddance: Brenda Snipes Was Accused of Corruption and Incompetence 14 Times Before the 2018 Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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