
Ivanka Trump’s Use of Email Was Wrong but Don’t Be a Twit and Say It Is Similar to That of Hillary Clinton

- November 21, 2018

Ivanka Trump, daughter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, founder and CEO, Ivanka Trump Collection and executive vice president Development and Acquisitions The Trump Organization, speaks at the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit, Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015, in Washington. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)


Yesterday, the Washington Post ran a story that has received a lot of left wing and Never Trump attention. Apparently, Ivanka Trump was using a private email account to carry out some of her official duties:

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.

White House ethics officials learned of Trump’s repeated use of personal email when reviewing emails gathered last fall by five Cabinet agencies to respond to a public records lawsuit. That review revealed that throughout much of 2017, she often discussed or relayed official White House business using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner.

Trump used her personal account to discuss government policies and official business fewer than 100 times — often replying to other administration officials who contacted her through her private email, according to people familiar with the review.

Another category of less-substantive emails may have also violated the records law: hundreds of messages related to her official work schedule and travel details that she sent herself and personal assistants who cared for her children and house, they said.

Of course, the Moron Brigade was hot out of the starting gate to compare Ivanaka Trump’s use of personal emaail with that of disgraced former secretary of state Hillary Clinton:

The Washington Post spells out some of the differences for the more addled and TDS afflicted of its readers.

And he stressed that her email use was different from that of Clinton, who had a private email server in the basement of her Chappaqua, N.Y., home. At one point, an archive of thousands of Clinton’s emails was deleted by a computer specialist amid a congressional investigation.

“Ms. Trump did not create a private server in her house or office, no classified information was ever included, the account was never transferred at Trump Organization, and no emails were ever deleted,” Mirijanian said.

Like Trump, Clinton also said she was unaware of or misunderstood the rules. However, Clinton relied solely on a private email system as secretary of state, bypassing government servers entirely.

Both Trump and Clinton relied on their personal attorneys to review their private emails and determine which messages should be retained as government records.

Clinton originally said none of the messages she sent or received were “marked classified.” The FBI later determined that 110 emails contained classified information at the time they were sent or received.

For the sake of clarity, let’s highlight the differences:

Ivanaka Trump was not secretary of state.
Ivanaka Trump did not destroy tens of thousands of official emails and “wipe” the server.
Ivanka Trump did not have an email server in a bathroom.
Ivanka Trump did not have Top Secret/Code Word information in her private emails.

In fact, Ivanka Trump’s misuse of private email paled in comparison to that of disgraced former FBI director James Comey’s use of his personal gmail account for FBI business:

The Justice Department responded that there were an eye-popping 1,200 pages of messages for Comey and his chief of staff that met the criteria.

Justice released 156 of them but refused to hand over seven emails because they would “disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions.” And another 363 pages of emails were withheld because they discussed privileged agency communications or out of personal privacy concerns.

Worst casing it, Ivanka Trump is guilty of minor violations of the Federal Records Act. Those violations seem, according to the report, to have been cured and there is no evidence that the practice is continuing. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton gave directives that seemed to order subordinates to remove classification markings from secret documents and her server was, according to emails by disgraced former FBI counterintelligence deputy director Peter Strzok, penetrated by numerous foreign intelligence services.

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The post Ivanka Trump’s Use of Email Was Wrong but Don’t Be a Twit and Say It Is Similar to That of Hillary Clinton appeared first on RedState.


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