
Liberal Hack Lawyer’s Group Files Motion to Block Trump Admin from Asking Citizenship Question on 2020 Census

- November 04, 2018

A far left legal group Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law filed a motion this week to block Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross from asking citizenship status question from every respondent.

Democrats want to keep this number hidden from the public.

Democrats know this could interfere with their voter base.

It really is true that Democrats today defend the rights of illegal aliens over American citizens.

This follows Friday’s news that illegal aliens in the Central American caravans are suing President Trump — they are not US citizens and have never stepped foot on American soil but liberal attorneys are suing the US President on their behalf.

This announcement was sent out on Saturday morning—-

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and Public Counsel, along with pro bono law firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, filed a motion on Friday seeking judgment to stop Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross from including a citizenship question on the 2020 Census. The motion was filed in the lawsuit brought on behalf of the City of San Jose and the Black Alliance for Just Immigration against the United States Department of Commerce in the Northern District of California.

On March 26, 2018, the Department of Commerce, at the direction of Secretary Wilbur Ross, set aside decades of practice and announced the 2020 decennial census will include a question asking the citizenship status of every respondent. The question will likely deter participation in the census, resulting in an undercount of immigrant communities and communities of color.

The motion is directed to the claims brought under the Administrative Procedure Act, (“APA”), and demonstrates that the Secretary’s action was arbitrary and capricious and contrary to law. The motion is based totally on Secretary Ross’s and the Census Bureau’s own documents, which show conclusively that he ignored express legal requirements forbidding any new topics to be added to the Census after March 2017, ignored settled Census Bureau protocol for the addition of questions to the Census, disregarded the advice of the entire professional scientific staff of the Bureau that adding the question would impair the quality of the Census data, and concocted a charade that the Department of Justice asked him to add the question – when his own documents show that he asked the Department of Justice, not the other way around. As the brief filed in support of the motion says, “Defendants’ actions are so egregious that the APA violation can be proved by their words alone.”

The motion is scheduled to be heard on December 7.

The post Liberal Hack Lawyer’s Group Files Motion to Block Trump Admin from Asking Citizenship Question on 2020 Census appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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