
Newly Elected Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Wore Palestinian Flag at Primary Victory Celebration

- November 07, 2018

Democrat Palestinian-American Rashida Tlaib was draped in a Palestinian flag as she celebrated her primary victory with supporters in August. On Tuesday night Tlaib handily won with over 90 percent of the vote the general election for Michigan’s 13th Congressional District seat vacated by John Conyers’ resignation last December.

Video taken of Tlaib’s victory speech for the August 7th primary showed an emotional Tlaib being embraced by her Palestinian mother,Fatima Elabed, who took the flag off her daughter and draped it on her own shoulders. No American flag was seen in video taken of Tlaib’s speech. Tlaib is a member of Democrat Socialists of America.

Tlaib proudly spoke of her relatives up before dawn in the West Bank watching on TV as their granddaughter was elected to Congress. The crowd responded with ululating.

Video of Tlaib’s speech was posted to Twitter by law professor Khaled Beydoun Tuesday night without clarification that it was from August.

Original post on August 8 by “@_SJPeace_”

Tlaib said of her relatives, “I want them to know, you know, as I uplift the families of the 13th Congressional District, I’ll uplift them every single day being who I am as a proud Palestinian-American, a woman Muslim. I want to thank you so much because for so many years they felt dehumanized and I tell you as a Palestinian, I mean,  you know, a lot of my strength comes from being Palestinian. But I can tell you my mother’s, like the compassion this woman has, that is in me. She smiles every single time as she–this woman doesn’t even understand when people are being racist to her. Because she believes that people can be better and she is an inspiration to me in so many ways…”

The New York Times reported on August 8:

“Ms. Tlaib, a former Michigan state legislator, Detroit native and daughter of Palestinian immigrants, was so cautious about celebrating her victory that she waited until every vote was counted — and long after The Associated Press had called the race in her favor — to begin her celebrations at almost 3 a.m.

“That meant the crowd had thinned significantly from the dozens who attended her earlier results watch party, but those who stayed until the early morning saw a special sight: a room of largely Arab-American immigrants emotionally celebrating an American democracy that has, in their view, been hostile to their existence and identity.

A lot of my strength comes from being Palestinian,” she said at one point. Ms. Tlaib’s mother draped her in the Palestinian flag as she spoke.”

And yes, Tlaib hates President Trump, “Trump haulting aid & closing the Palestinian Aid Office is reckless & inhumane. Donald’s move confirms his hatred of people that don’t look like him. I hope future members of Congress will join me in denouncing this irresponsible act by .”

Tlaib is also anti-Israel, criticizing Sen. Kamala Harris in 2017 for meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “. I am one of your supporters & donors. Hoping you are still part of the resistance to racism against ALL people. This picture says otherwise.”

Embraced by former President Barack Obama:

Tlaib will be joined in Congress by fellow Democrat Muslim woman Ilhan Omar,  Minnesota’s newly elected Congresswoman for the fifth Congressional District.

The media is hyping the first two Muslim Congresswomen:


The post Newly Elected Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Wore Palestinian Flag at Primary Victory Celebration appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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