
Sore Loser: Stacey Abrams Refuses to Say Brian Kemp is the ‘Legitimate’ Governor of Georgia

- November 18, 2018



Nobody likes a sore loser.

Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper Sunday, Stacey Abrams refused to acknowledge Brian Kemp as the “legitimate” governor of Georgia.

Does this help anyone? In any way? Does it do any good?

During her campaign, Abrams came out strongly against hunting rifles — maybe not the best move in the deep south. Stacey obviously was pushing for confiscation — how else do you ban something hordes of people already have — but she refused to say so (here). And she refused to say so (here).

And now, with regard to actually losing, she refuses to say so (here).

Seems like a pattern.

During the interview, Jake (who really impressed me in his previous attempt to seduce Stacey into answering about confiscation) tried to get Stacey to make a direct statement.

Nice job, Jake.

Bad job, Stacey.

Jake threw the ball:

“Sherrod Brown (who recently accomplished a Perfect 10 of stupidity — here) says the election was stolen. Do you agree that it was stolen, and do you think that Brian Kemp is not the legitimate governor-elect of Georgia?”

Stacey backed away from the strike zone:

“The law, as it stands, says that he received an adequate number of votes to become the governor of Georgia. And I acknowledge the law, as it stands. I am a lawyer by training, and I have taken the constitutional oath to uphold the law. But we know sometimes the law does not do what it should and something being legal does not make it right.”

Tapper tapped again:

“Is he the legitimate governor-elect of Georgia?”

Stacey with the goofiness:

“He is the person who won the adequate number of votes to become the governor.”

Jake again:

“With all due respect…you’re not answering the question. You’re not using the word legitimate. Is he the legitimate governor-elect of Georgia?”

Aaaaand Stacey:

“He is the legal governor of Georgia. … Words have meaning. I spent my lifetime, not only as an attorney, but as a writer. And I’m careful of the words I choose. … He is the legal victor.”

DadGUMmit, lady!

She just wouldn’t do it. It seems to me that a sore loser is one of the worst things to be (I’m looking at you, Hillary — here). Stacey obviously feels differently:

“What you are looking for me to say is that there was no compromise of our democracy, and there should be some political compromise in the language I use, and that’s not right. What’s not right is saying that something was done properly when it was not.”

Well there ya go.

I respect her immovable position, even though it doesn’t seem very becoming. If that’s what she truly believes, I suppose she should stick to her guns. And she can — since she lost, she doesn’t have to worry about them being confiscated.


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