
Stormy Daniels Says Donald Trump Has ‘COMPLETELY DESTROYED’ Her Career,

- November 18, 2018

Career Trouble

Occasionally along comes a story where you just do a double, double take, because you aren’t sure if this is an Onion story or not.

This is one of those stories.

Last Thursday at the Oxford Union debating society during an event entitled “Sex, Guns and Other Fluff: How Porn Can Set You Free.” Stormy opened up on her thoughts about the mess she is in with the current President of the United States, Donald Trump.

He has ruined her career in porn. Obviously.

According to…Newsweek

The political “shitshow” of the last ten months left her with no capacity to write movies—her favorite part of working in porn—she said during an event entitled “Sex, Guns and Other Fluff: How Porn Can Set You Free.”

Although she was on “an unofficial break” from writing and directing, she said she certainly hadn’t retired. “I’ll probably never leave the adult film industry,” she added.

Producing a porn film, Daniels told the packed debating hall, was an intensive process. “I write the script down, I do the budget, I do the shoot schedule, I pick out the wardrobe,” she said.

Daniels sued U.S. President Donald Trump and lawyer Michael Cohen earlier this year over a non-disclosure agreement concerning an alleged affair between the actress and the mogul. She maintains the two had sex in 2006, about a year into Trump’s marriage to current first lady Melania Trump.

I have to admit I never really considered the art of writing down a porn script. Do the people in the film get down to it in 10 minutes from the start of the film or 12 minutes in? What kind of music is played? Lighting? What clever title will you name it?

These are really hard choices and I can see how this has really derailed Stormy’s career while she is on tour to adult entertainment bars across the country trying to capitalize on her additional 15 minutes of fame.

Now if you recall it was Stormy that has gone back and forth on whether or not she had any relations with Trump back in 2006 sex before he was President. She did sign a nondisclosure agreement and has flipped and flopped on that a number of times.  Even though Trump’s team negotiated the deal he claims the event never happened.

Stormy also commented on creepy porn lawyers current situation after being arrested for domestic abuse.

During the event, Daniels also addressed Wednesday’s arrest of her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, over domestic violence allegations. She echoed a statement made earlier Thursday, saying that “right now they’re just allegations and I’m gonna reserve judgement.”

“If the allegations turn out to be true,” she said, “then I will definitely be seeking new representation.”

So that puts Stormy in the #NotMeToo camp being all we need is an allegation not actually proof to convict one in public.

In any event, I think we owe the Oxford Union a huge debt of gratitude for hosting Stormy and putting these fun lil nuggets of info out for us to consume. Honestly, who knew there are scripts in porn?

Also if anyone has an idea what the young man in this tweet is thinking please let me know. I bet it is just amazing.

In case you missed my other post on a different subject Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Nazis And Global Warning Are Like The Same Thing DUH!! and check out my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks plus like Bourbon On The Rocks on Facebook and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2

The post Stormy Daniels Says Donald Trump Has ‘COMPLETELY DESTROYED’ Her Career, appeared first on RedState.


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