
VIDEO=> Six Arrests After Portland Dueling Protests, Including One Crazed Antifa Screamer

- November 18, 2018

In the aftermath of the #HimToo rally and counter-protest in Portland Saturday, Portland Police made six arrests.

In a video reminiscent of Leo Stratton’s “Screamer” girl clip that went viral on YouTube last year, one of the arrested includes a girl later identified as Hannah McClintock, who can be seen going on a deranged rant on the man known as “Tiny,” before eventually assaulting him. Tiny is one of the area’s most well known Pro Trump, Proud Boy, Patriot Prayer activists, and McClintock, in the yellow, has issues with him. McClintock, apparently fueled by alcohol or some sort of drug, shouts things like “YOU’RE A PIECE OF S***!…. YOU WANT TO MURDER AN ENTIRE RACE” and she eventually starts throwing punches at him, while a masked antifa thug taunts Tiny, “You scared dog? Look into those eyes, that’s fear!”

“Tiny”, by the way, is a giant Pacific Islander.

The video ends with McClintock being hauled off by Portland police.

Witnessing all of this is far left reporter Arun Gupta, writer for Raw Story and other liberal websites. He drills Tiny on his comments about wanting to kill communists.

Full press release from the police reads:

On Saturday, November 17, 2018, during protest events near Terry Schrunk Plaza and Chapman Square Park, six people were arrested.

The General Services Administration, the federal agency responsible for Terry Schrunk Plaza, approved a permit for a group to use the plaza today. As part of the General Services Administration permit, the permit holder had the authority to determine who could and could not enter the park while the permit was in effect. In preparation for today’s permit, the Federal Protection Service erected fencing around the perimeter of Terry Schrunk Plaza.

There was also a demonstration in Chapman Square today. Prior to today’s events, PPB closed a portion of Chapman Square under Portland City Code 20.12.190(B). The area closure was an attempt to use an existing tool to facilitate a peaceful event while minimizing the opportunity for groups to clash violently. The intention of the closure of this portion provided a cushion between the two groups so differing opinions could be voiced, but the potential for violence reduced.

During today’s events, there were multiple assaults reported, as well as projectiles thrown at demonstrators and officers. Officers observed sticks, glass bottles, lit road flares, bottles filled with a substance believed to be urine, and gopher gas used as projectiles.

“The Portland Police Bureau spent considerable time planning for today’s demonstration and counter demonstration,” said Chief Danielle Outlaw. “We used significant resources and attempted to keep opposing groups apart, both when they were in the parks and as they traveled through downtown. Our goal was to keep all people in the community safe.”

There were six people who were arrested today:

* 25-year-old Ruben A. Delahuerga was arrested near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Madison Street. Delahuerga was lodged at the Multnomah County Jail on a charge of Interfering with a Peace Officer.

* 68-year-old Betsy Toll was arrested near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Madison Street. Toll was lodged at the Multnomah County Jail on a charge of Interfering with a Peace Officer.

* 33-year-old Elizabeth L Cheek was arrested near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Madison Street. Cheek was lodged at the Multnomah County Jail on a charge of Interfering with a Peace Officer.

* 35-year-old Brittany N. Frost was arrested near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Madison Street. Frost was lodged at the Multnomah County Jail on a charge of Interfering with a Peace Officer.

* 52-year-old Gary Fresquez was arrested near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Madison Street. Fresquez was lodged at the Multnomah County Jail on charges of Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Interfering with a Peace Officer (two counts).

* 19-year-old Hannah R McClintock was arrested near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Taylor Street. McClintock was lodged at the Multnomah County Jail on a charge of Harassment.

Here are their mugshots (good luck guessing their “gender identity”):

The post VIDEO=> Six Arrests After Portland Dueling Protests, Including One Crazed Antifa Screamer appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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