
White House Reinstates Acosta’s Press Pass, With Caveat

- November 20, 2018

CNN White House reporter and egomaniac Jim Acosta had his ‘hard pass’ restored Monday, granting access to the press pool and White House briefings.

In a private letter from Bill Shine and Sarah Sanders to Acosta, the journalist was told his credentials are reinstated on condition of his following a few rules, including that there would be one question per reporter and follow-up questions would be at the discretion of the president or White House officials.

“Having received a formal reply from your counsel to our letter of November 16, we have made a final determination in this process: your hard pass is restored. Should you refuse to follow these rules in the future, we will take action in accordance with the rules set forth above. The President is aware of this decision and concurs.”

Acosta’s latest conflict with the White House began during a press conference on Nov. 7 in which he refused to let a White House intern take the mic from him in order to allow other reporters to ask questions.

A lawsuit was subsequently filed against the Trump administration — at least a dozen news organization, including Trump’s favorite Fox News, sided with CNN — when Acosta’s press credentials were revoked due to his behavior. A judge ruled the White House must reinstate the credentials. Trump and administration officials floated the idea of revoking Acosta’s press pass a second time, initiated a preemptive second suit from CNN.

With the White House reinstating Jim Acosta’s hard pass, CNN’s new lawsuit has been dropped. But this doesn’t mean Acosta isn’t on a short leash at pressers.

“If he misbehaves,” Trump said, apparently referring to Acosta, “we’ll throw him out or we’ll stop the news conference.”

How long can this detente last?

The post White House Reinstates Acosta’s Press Pass, With Caveat appeared first on RedState.


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