
White House Says It Will Ban Jim Acosta’s Press Pass Again this Week After It Expires

- November 19, 2018

The Trump White House reportedly notified Jim Acosta they plan to ban his once again once the 14-day court ordered restraining order expires.

Acosta was blocked from his White House hard pass after his many interruptions and rude contact at White House pressers including his latest stunt where he took a swipe at a young female intern.

Vice News reported:

The White House is not backing down over Jim Acosta’s press pass, and plans to ban the reporter again once the current 14-day restraining order expires, CNN said Sunday.

Acosta, CNN’s chief White House correspondent, had his credentials suspended by the administration last week after a heated press conference.

A judge ordered the White House to temporarily restore the press pass Friday while he weighed the case.

The White House complied but has since written to Acosta, saying his pass will be suspended again once the judge’s order expires, CNN’s chief media correspondent Brian Stelter reported in his newsletter Sunday night.

The network said in a statement that the White House was “continuing to violate the First and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution.”

“These actions threaten all journalists and news organizations. Jim Acosta and CNN will continue to report the news about the White House and the President.”

The post White House Says It Will Ban Jim Acosta’s Press Pass Again this Week After It Expires appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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