The Clinton’s aren’t doing so hot in the popularity category, and have apparently had to lower the ticket prices to their tour by such a vast degree that they now cost about the same as a trip to your favorite fast food joint.
According to the Daily Wire, former President Bill and never-was President Hillary Clinton are showing up to lackluster receptions at events called “An Evening With the Clintons.” Once the Clintons got to Texas, the tickets for the event dipped to only $6:
The former first couple opened a 13-city speaking tour late last month with a premiere event in Toronto (why they think anyone in Canada wants to hear them whine about Hillary’s crushing defeat in the 2016 presidential election is anybody’s guess). They pulled just 3,000 people to an arena that seats 19,000.
Then they took their road show, “An Evening With the Clintons,” to Montreal, but they fared little better (and not for lack of trying: In a case of classic Clinton pandering, each said that Canada was superior to America).
And things kept getting worse. Ticket prices for their event in Texas plunged to just $6. Seems no one is interested in hearing them tell “stories and inspiring anecdotes that shaped their historic careers in public service, while also discussing issues of the day and looking toward the future,” which a press release promised.
While at the event, the Daily Caller quotes Maurine Dowd of the New York Times who attended the Clinton’s event in Toronto. According to Dowd, the audience that arrived was so small and sparse that event organizers forced everyone to come closer together so as not to look like no one showed up:
“I’m looking around Scotiabank Arena, the home of the Toronto Maple Leafs, and it’s a depressing sight. It’s two-for-the-price-of-one in half the arena. The hockey rink is half curtained off, but even with that, organizers are scrambling at the last minute to cordon off more sections behind thick black curtains, they say due to a lack of sales. I paid $177 weeks in advance. (I passed on the pricey meet-and-greet option.) On the day of the event, some unsold tickets are slashed to single digits,” Dowd writes.
“I get reassigned to another section as the Clintons’ audience space shrinks. But even with all the herding, I’m still looking at large swaths of empty seats — and I cringe at the thought that the Clintons will look out and see that, too. It was only four years ago, after all, that Canadians were clamoring to buy tickets to see the woman who seemed headed for history. I can’t fathom why the Clintons would make like aging rock stars and go on a tour of Canada and the U.S. at a moment when Democrats are hoping to break the stranglehold of their cloistered, superannuated leadership and exult in a mosaic of exciting new faces.”
If this tour was meant to gin up support for the Clinton’s then the price drop and the hardly attended appearances are not a good sign. At this time Clinton hardly registers as one of the top Democrats that the people would love to see run. All the support is going to the big three, Joe Biden at number one, Bernie Sanders at number two for some reason, and Robert “Beto” O’Rourke.
It would seem the public is sick of the Clinton’s, and for good reason. Hillary is not likable, and Bill is the product of a bygone era of Democrats.
It may be in their best interest to just retire from public life.
The post Bill and Hillary Clinton Had to Drastically Drop the Ticket Costs to Their Events to Mere Pocket Change appeared first on RedState.