
Despite Left-Wing Turkeys, Chick-fil-A Becomes the 3rd Biggest Restaurant Chain in the U.S.

- Desember 20, 2018

In September, I wrote about Starbucks getting its bucks kicked (here). Well, the winning streak continues…


From the Left, Chick-fil-A just can’t catch a break.

Those people hate chicken.

Delicious chicken, I might add.

Honestly, never has a single pickle meant so much.

Nevertheless, those lunging to be sufficiently flanked to the left of left decry the traditional values, the Christian-family-owned paradigm, the delicious waffle fries…the terrific milkshake with the whipped cream and cherry…

I just made a call for someone to bring me Chick-fil-A.

But no woke person did! They’re too busy being dorks.

Universities shun the chicken chain (like here). Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey even had a dustup, which went something like this:

He said, “I went to Chick-fil-A! It’s awesome!” Then left-wing activists cried into the ether, because that very day was a gay holiday. Jack responded with, “I shouldn’t have gone to Chick-fil-A! It was terrible!”

And the ridiculousness continues.

Yet, for normal people, Jack was right the first time.

And despite all the Left’s shunning of delectable sandwiches, the Chick is set to become the third-largest restaurant chain in the United States. That’s according to Kalinowski Equity Research.

The fast-food wonder with fantastic, polite service has previously sat at number 7; but the company famous for its cow-adorned billboards is on the MOOve!

Analysis indicates their attainment of the #3 spot will occur before the close of the year. As per Mark Kalinowski, Mickey D’s better watch out:

“We have long pointed out that Chick-fil-A is the restaurant competitor with which McDonald’s … should most concern itself — and by extension, investors should, too. But this goes beyond McDonald’s.”

By year’s end, sales for the chain — which is closed on Sundays — will have increased by 12-15%. That’s a rise of rise of over $1 billion.

Not too shabby.

“If this plays out this way, Chick-fil-A’s 2018 U.S. systemwide sales would easily surpass those of Burger King and Wendy’s.”

I’m partly to thank. Wendy’s burgers are no slouch; Big Macs are tasty; and I love a good Whopper.

But at the end of the day, I — like many of you — just can’t help but Eat Mor Chikin.

By the way, do yourself a huge favor and watch (at least) the bottom video below.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here

See 3 more pieces from me: Hollywood fingers a terrorist, dogs are smarter than cops, “drag queen” is your child’s career choice.

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