
DHS Now Says 7-Year-Old Migrant Died of Septic Shock

- Desember 19, 2018



On Friday, I covered the story of a 7-year-old Guatemalan girl who passed away on December 8th after she and her father — along with 161 others from the Central American migrant caravan — were caught sneaking into New Mexico (please see here).

The Left immediately blamed Trump, even though that was, well, completely stupid. It was reported that the little girl passed away from starvation and dehydration; after all, she’d had neither water nor food for a long time.

However, the Department of Homeland Security is now saying she likely died from septic shock.

Jakelin Caal Maquin was immediately transported to a hospital after she began vomiting (see streiff’s excellent analysis of the logistics and considerations involved).

Sepsis is a potentially fatal reaction to infection. Its activation can drastically reduce blood pressure and damage multiple organ systems.

The Border Patrol originally indicated the Jakelin hadn’t eaten for several days; however, Homeland Security now specifies her father noted she “had not been able to consume water or food for days.”

When the border-crossers were first taken into custody, CBP screened all for health issues. In a statement released Friday, DHS explained there were no signs of sickness:

The initial screening revealed no evidence of health issues. During the screening, the father denied that either he or his daughter were ill.

The group was “offered water and food and had access to restrooms.”

As chronicled by Time:

Jackeline died in intensive care at an El Paso hospital after she went into sepsis shock following about eight hours in DHS custody, DHS said. Customs and Border Protection agents had detained the girl and her father, 29-year-old Nery Caal, at about 9:15 p.m. local time on Dec. 6 as part of a group of 163 migrants near the remote Antelope Wells border crossing in New Mexico. Jackeline and her father were on a bus to a detention center when she began vomiting at about 5 a.m. on Dec. 7.

When they reached their destination, Jakelin’s father told officials she wasn’t breathing.

When the bus arrived at the processing center 90 minutes later, EMTs treated her and revived her twice. She was then flown to Providence Children’s Hospital in Texas, where she died early Dec. 8 in intensive care.

On Fox & Friends Friday, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen called Jakeline’s story “heart-wrenching.” She defended CBP, insisting they did everything possible to save her.

“This family chose to cross illegally. They were about 90 miles away from where we could process them. It took a such a large crowd, it took our Border Patrol folks a couple times to get them all.”

Now, Jakelin’s father’s story has changed.

From The Guardian:

According to the DHS , her death followed days of traveling through the desert without enough food or water. A Washington Post report said the border patrol agency cited statements from her father.

An anonymous Customs and Border Protection (CBP) official also told the Post her father did not raise the alarm about her worsening fever while they were in custody. “There were plenty of opportunities, if her father had noticed anything and brought it to agents’ attention,” the official said.

Yet now, as per his attorneys:

“Jakelin’s father took care of Jakelin, made sure she was fed and had sufficient water. She and her father sought asylum from border patrol as soon as they crossed the border. She had not suffered from a lack of water or food prior to approaching the border.”

Something is awry.

Nery’s lawyers are calling for an investigation into her death.

DHS expressed sorrow over her passing:

Her death is incredibly tragic. The entire DHS family offers her family their prayers and thoughts. Unfortunately, her death is not unique. Each year, the Border Patrol identifies hundreds of people who either die attempting to illegally enter the United States, are injured in the attempt, or have to be rescued by Border Patrol. This past year alone Border Patrol rescued 4,311 people in distress.

Find the full statement below:


My Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Melania in defense of Barron, a terrorist leading the migrant caravan, and Mexico doing their best America.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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