
Figures. ‘CNN Reporter of the Year’ and Der Spiegel Journalist Fabricated his Stories for Years – Big Leftist Hack

- Desember 21, 2018

Top German reporter at the liberal mag Der Spiegel was fired this past week.

For Claas Relotius at Germany’s far left Der Spiegel magazine fabricated his stories.

He got caught after he trashed Trump supporters in a recent piece. It was largely made up.

A fitting award.

Claas Relotius won CNN’s journalist of the year award in 2014.

Claas admitted to fabricating interviews and sources in at least 14 articles.
The left loved him.

The Guardian reported:

The media world was stunned by the revelations that the award-winning journalist Claas Relotius had, according to the weekly, “made up stories and invented protagonists” in at least 14 out of 60 articles that appeared in its print and online editions, warning that other outlets could also be affected.

Relotius, 33, resigned after admitting to the scam. He had written for the magazine for seven years and won numerous awards for his investigative journalism, including CNN Journalist of the Year in 2014.

Earlier this month, he won Germany’s Reporterpreis (Reporter of the Year) for his story about a young Syrian boy, which the jurors praised for its “lightness, poetry and relevance”. It has since emerged that all the sources for his reportage were at best hazy, and much of what he wrote was made up.

The falsification came to light after a colleague who worked with him on a story along the US-Mexican border raised suspicions about some of the details in Relotius’s reporting, having harboured doubts about him for some time.

The colleague, Juan Moreno, eventually tracked down two alleged sources quoted extensively by Relotius in the article, which was published in November. Both said they had never met Relotius. Relotius had also lied about seeing a hand-painted sign that read “Mexicans keep out”, a subsequent investigation found.

Other fraudulent stories included one about a Yemeni prisoner in Guantanamo Bay, and one about the American football star Colin Kaepernick.

In a lengthy article, Spiegel, which sells about 725,000 print copies a week and has an online readership of more than 6.5 million, said it was “shocked” by the discovery and apologised to its readers and to anyone who may have been the subject of “fraudulent quotes, made-up personal details or invented scenes at fictitious places”.

The post Figures. ‘CNN Reporter of the Year’ and Der Spiegel Journalist Fabricated his Stories for Years – Big Leftist Hack appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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