
Giuliani: Robert Mueller Should Be Investigated for Destruction of Evidence by Deleting Strzok-Page Text Messages

- Desember 27, 2018

For the record: Corrupt Facebook and the AP banned a previous Gateway Pundit post for accusing dirty cop Mueller of intentionally deleting the Strzok-Page text messages. Facebook has no proof this was by accident. Facebook is hiding information from Americans.

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Mueller’s Spcecial Counsel team of 13 angry Democrats scrubbed Peter Strzok’s phone and then turned it over to the Office of Inspector General investigators AFTER Peter Strzok was fired from the special counsel.

Peter Strzok was fired from the Special Counsel after text messages surfaced showing that he had a strong hatred for Donald Trump and his supporters.

Peter Strzok was reassigned in the summer of 2017 to the FBI’s human resource department after his dismissal from the Mueller witch hunt in July 2017.

His lover Lisa Page reportedly resigned from the Special Counsel in May 2017 – two weeks before Strzok was fired.

Lisa Page’s phone was scrubbed and not turned over to OIG until September 2018.

Via The Donald page on Reddit:

Strzok’s anti-Trump lover Lisa Page’s phone was also scrubbed clean.

And, of course, Page’s phone went missing for a year before it was “found” and turned over to investigators in September 18 — scrubbed clean.

On Wednesday Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani told reporters Buck Sexton and John Solomon that Robert Mueller should be investigated for the destruction of this evidence.
Rudy is right.

Mueller is one of the most corrupt players in Washington DC today.

John Solomon at The Hill reported:

Rudy Giuliani has an unmistakable New Year’s message for special counsel Robert Mueller: It is time for the chief investigator in the Russia case to be investigated in 2019.

In wide-ranging interviews with Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton and me on Wednesday and Thursday, President Trump’s defense lawyer pointedly accused Mueller’s office of destroying evidence by allowing text messages from now-fired FBI official Peter Strzok and his FBI lover, Lisa Page, to be erased in the Russia probe.

“Mueller should be investigated for destruction of evidence for allowing those text messages from Strzok to be erased, messages that would show the state of mind and tactics of his lead anti-Trump FBI agent at the start of his probe,” Giuliani said.

The Justice Department inspector general reported this month that it found large gaps in the preservation of official government text messages between Strzok and Page, the two top FBI agents who helped to start the Russia probe in 2016, who were having an affair at the time, and who expressed disdain for Trump.

The report said a technical glitch was to blame for the FBI’s failure to save those text messages but the IG was able to recover more than 19,000 from the early part of the Russia probe before Mueller was named special prosecutor.

However, the IG said it was unable to recover messages from the time Strzok and Page worked for Mueller’s office in spring and summer 2017 because the memories of both FBI officials’ government phones were wiped clean by technicians.

That erasure occurred after Strzok and Page left Mueller’s team over revelations they exchanged anti-Trump text messages, including one string in which they talked about stopping Trump from becoming president.

“That should be investigated, damn it, that should be investigated fully. You want a special counsel, get one for that,” Giuliani said.

The post Giuliani: Robert Mueller Should Be Investigated for Destruction of Evidence by Deleting Strzok-Page Text Messages appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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