
Leftists Respond to #GoFundTheWall By Launching Fundraiser for ‘Ladders’ so Illegal Aliens Can Climb Over

- Desember 21, 2018

As the #GoFundTheWall effort nears $7 million raised and trends on Twitter, the left has responded by launching their own fundraiser — for “ladders” to get over it.

The ladder campaign has raised over $20,000 in 16 hours.

The fundraiser is titled, “Ladders to Get Over Trump’s Wall,” but donations will likely be going to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, which provides legal aid for illegal aliens.

“And even though at a rate of $1.7 million daily, it would take their fund about 35 years to raise the $21.7 billion that Trump’s own Dept. of Homeland Security says would be needed  to build said wall, we wanna make sure ladders are ready to send over to our undocumented friends and help them,” the campaign statement reads. “Should we not reach our goal–or should they (ahem) not reach theirs–all funds raised will go to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) , a Texas-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency that promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees.”

The left has been losing their minds over the GoFundMe for the wall, including a Washington Post “tech reporter” activist who unsuccessfully attempted to prove that the campaign violates the terms of service.

GoFundMe, shockingly, asserted that the campaign is not in violation and will remain up. The campaign is currently raising approximately $300,000 an hour.

The legalities of building a wall with crowfunded money remains unclear — but what is clear is that Americans want the wall so badly that they are absolutely willing to put their money where their mouth is.

The post Leftists Respond to #GoFundTheWall By Launching Fundraiser for ‘Ladders’ so Illegal Aliens Can Climb Over appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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