
Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal: ISIS Leader Who Beheaded Aid Worker Gets Missiles Up His Stocking

- Desember 04, 2018

I love a happy ending.

According to the Daily Caller, an ISIS leader popular for beheading 26-year-old Peter Kassig has been killed via drone strike on Sunday, making that some of the best tax dollars ever spent:

The U.S.-led coalition fighting ISIS conducted drone strikes on Sunday against Abu al-Umarayn and several other IS members, Col. Sean Ryan, a spokesman for said coalition fighting, told the Associated Press. He also said that al-Umarayn was believed to be “posing an imminent threat” to coalition workers.

The strikes took place in a desert area in southeastern Syria.

Abu al-Umarayn was “involved in the killing” of military veteran Peter Kassig, 26, who was beheaded Nov. 16, 2014, according to Col. Ryan.

According to the Daily Caller, Kassig had begun an organization designed to help Syrians caught in the war. After being captured by ISIS, Kassig had a sudden conversion to Islam and was beheaded shortly after:

In 2012, Kassig founded a humanitarian non-governmental organization aimed at helping Syrians affected by the ongoing civil war. He reportedly fell into the hands of ISIS after being captured in October of 2014. While in captivity, Kassig converted to Islam and changed his name to Abdul-Rahman Kassig.

Umarayn beheaded Kassig after a 16-minute long video where he filmed ISIS cutting the heads off of Syrian soldiers, then at the end showed an ISIS soldier standing over what he claimed was Kassig’s head.

I’m nothing short of thrilled that someone so evil as Umarayn got his comeuppance, though getting suddenly struck by a missile is decidedly less horrific than waiting to have your head cut from your body.

Regardless, I think General James Mattis is making a superb Santa Claus for terrorists.

The post Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal: ISIS Leader Who Beheaded Aid Worker Gets Missiles Up His Stocking appeared first on RedState.


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