As I look over the stories I’ve covered for RedState in 2018, I have certainly have favorites.
Here’s my list — the Top 34, in the order they were posted. That’s 34 — like the number of the 20th century’s most amazing athlete: Bo Jackson. Anyway, if you didn’t catch some of these, I hope you’ll do that now. Please leave your comments on them below, and let me know your favorites for the year. I anxiously await your responses.
Here we go:
Amy Schumer Virtue Signals Her Way Out Of Her Own Movie
This story is a great study in the absurdity of social justice virtue signaling. Truly a head-shaker.
What Hillary Could Learn From Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush’s 1994 appearance on Larry King Live showcased an ebullient former First Lady with such obvious class. I highly recommend you take a look.
Margot Kidder Is Gone, But The Love Of Superman — And What It Taught Us — Lives On
Hero movies — which is to say, heroes — have changed. This article was an opportunity to harken back to what was, in my estimation, a better age. I hope you will read it.
Beached Wail, Part 1 and Part 2. This received the most comments of any article I’ve written. It was a perfect controversial story for discussion and debate. Strong opinions flew about. Please read the articles and watch the videos. And join the conversation.
This story was, in my view, such a phenomenal indication of a changing culture. The Miss America pageant made an announcement that fundamentally changed the entire concept of the competition. Please review it and share your thoughts.
CrossFit Lashes Out Against Humility; Or, Employee Gets Fired For Opposing Pro-Gay Squats
Morality seems to be a declining industry. To me, this story was special because it featured a man who actually cared about something that few people ever espouse. He took a stand against — not gay pride, but — pride in general. We would do well to revisit the intricacies of virtue, beyond the rudimentary basics which guide our cavepeople actions. I’ll hope you’ll read it.
Are We Spreading Political Correctness By Calling It That?
I believe so-called political correctness is a devastating component of contemporary American life. Do you feel the same? This article allowed me to express my view on the matter.
Join Me In Celebrating — George H.W. Turns 94
The apple didn’t fall far from the…wife. See the inspiration that is 94-year-old George H.W. Bush.
Dennis Rodman Wins Me Over In A Tear-Filled CNN Catharsis
There are surely those who don’t take Dennis Rodman seriously. He’s created quite the caricature of himself, from his outlandish fashion statements to his seemingly apologetic defense of North Korean dictator Kim Jung-Un. But in this interview, he won me over. He cried as he talked of Trump’s Helsinki summit. Take a look and let me know if it moved you, too.
This Woman Inseminated This Man, So He Could Give Birth Using His Vagina. As You Do.
I couldn’t help but appreciate the bizarre nature of this story. See what you think.
Who’s Your Daddy? Trump Tweets Like A Boss On Father’s Day
I loved the celebration of this article. You’ve got to see the MAGA dance in the included video. Fantastic.
This was my other favorite coverage of audacious Donald. You have to check out the Kung Fu Trump video.
For me, this was the most shocking story of the year. I still can’t believe it’s real. How about you?
Jurassic World — Hollywood And The Hokey Villain: A Political Deconstruction
This was my opportunity comment on one of my favorite things — movies. And also, to remark on culture. If you saw Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, let me know if you agree with any of it.
Trump In 2020? Dennis Miller (And Kennedy!) Hit The Nail On The Head
I’m fond of this story because I like Dennis Miller, and I love Kennedy. Do you? And do you agree with their predictions? Let me know.
Straw Man Argument: Disney Ruins Shirts (Including Mine) At The Happiest Place On Earth
This story is significant to me because my welfare depends upon straws. And I believe this is activism gone way too far — at the happiest, (formerly) cleanest place on earth.
The disconnect therein is astounding.
Turn Your Head And Coffee — Left-Wing Roaster Shuns Border-Friendly Client To The Tune Of $40,000
This guy seemed so unusual to me, he stuck with me long afterward. Do you remember?
Twitter Takes It Easy On Alex Jones; Plus: Viva La Crazy!!!!
You’ve gotta see the videos! And I also particularly appreciated some of the comments from you.
I’m a huge Steve Martin fan. And it’s so refreshing to see comedians focusing on simply being funny.
Bill Maher Tries To Explain Free Speech To His Audience: It Includes That Which You Hate
This was the Left talking to the Left. And saying something important.
Lena Dunham & Fashion Company End Venture Over Shame Of Using White Model (Plus: Hypnotic Shirts!)
Perhaps a companion piece to the Amy Schumer article, the racism and absurdity of this was stunning.
‘Lost’: Jake Tapper Gives Up On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
As I’m sure many on the Left would say of Trump, her election has changed my perception of politics. It seemed impossible. Yet, it happened. Take a look.
America Needs A Christian Revival
I always appreciate the opportunity to speak on culture. What are your thoughts?
Hideously Dumb And Dangerous: Fascistic Antifa Follows Up On Its Restaurant Harassment Of Ted Cruz
I’m fascinated by people who stand on the hill of words they don’t know the definitions of.
The Skinny On Activism: UK Pulls TV Ads Because The Model Is Slim
To my way of thinking, this ad being pulled because the model was slim is a startling landmark of cultural change.
Wince TV: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stops By MSNBC And Doesn’t Make Everyone Watching Smarter
I don’t like what I did here. As a writer, I’m sometimes covering a person as much as an event. I’m uncomfortable writing things that seem to be against an individual. In fact, I changed the above title today; I softened it a little. At the same time, she’s positioned herself as a public figure of the highest order; so she is presumably fine with people critiquing the things she says. Given (and hoping for) that, all I can say is wow.
New York Witches Schedule Event To Cast A Hex On Brett Kavanaugh And Other Rapists
This is where we are.
#DefeatAllWomen: Man Wins Women’s Cycling Competition (Plus: The Future Of Sports)
Men are set to make women obsolete in women’s sports, and I don’t understand why people are letting it happen.
WATCH: Melania Trump Has A Message For Those Bullying Her Over Her Anti-Bullying Program
I have a definite soft spot for our First Lady. She’s been so demure, and yet cruelly maligned.
Man Jailed For Making Restaurant Bomb Threat Claims He Was Referring To His Imminent Bowel Movement
How could this story NOT make it? Hilarious.
Despite Left-Wing Turkeys, Chick-Fil-A Becomes The 3rd Biggest Restaurant Chain In The U.S.
Watch the video. It’s my favorite fight of the year.
Condolences To Julia Roberts: The Absolute Worst Typo You’ve Seen All Year
Poor Julia! Typos are the bane of my existence.
Christmas Miracle: Dad Murders Baby, But There Was ‘Someone Watching Over’ Her
This was a truly incredible story.
Those are some of the stories that stood out most to me this year. What do you think of them? And please, in the Comments section below, let us all know what your favorites were. I look forward to reading. Thank you for doing the same this year — you all have been a welcoming audience for me. And I appreciate your time and participation. More to come.
-Alex Parker
Happy New Year
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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