
Terrorist Attack Kills Newborn Baby; Hamas Celebrates Hannukah Murder

- Desember 14, 2018



The Hannukah terrorists have an 8th victim on their hands: a newborn baby.

On Sunday, just after a holiday candle-lighting ceremony 13 miles north of Jerusalem, gunfire exploded from a passing Palestinian vehicle. IDF soldiers responded with counterfire, but the vehicle got away. Seven Israelis were injured in the drive-by shooting.

Assistant Executive Director Avi Mayer, of the American Jewish Community, tweeted the news of the evil act:

One of those critically injured was a 21-year-old mom-to-be, whose baby was subsequently delivered prematurely — and dangerously — at a nearby hospital.

Horrifically, on Wednesday, the young lady’s baby boy died. According to The Times of Israel, approximately 300 people attended the little boy’s funeral.

Due to their own wounds, the infant’s parents were not able to attend his funeral.

His grandfather performed the eulogy:

Meanwhile, as reported by The Daily Wire, Shehab — a news agency associated with Hamas — ran this message from the terrorist group:

We value the blessed firing, which points to the presence of resistance in the occupied West Bank despite the ongoing attempts to eradicate it, and demonstrates the ability of the resistance to hurt the enemy and penetrate its fortifications in its most sensitive security positions.

More terror occurred Thursday:

Mayer shared his thoughts on the prospect of a Palestinian state:

As for Sunday’s murder, courtesy of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, a bit of good news came late Wednesday night:

Israeli security forces shot and killed the son of a West Bank Hamas leader suspected of involvement in the shooting attack outside of the West Bank settlement of Ofra that left 7 injured and a newborn baby dead.

Four other Palestinian men alleged to have been involved in the attack also were arrested in the operation late on Wednesday night.


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