
The New Normal: Female Trump Supporter SLAPPED AND ASSAULTED Outside of Flynn Hearing (Video)

- Desember 20, 2018

Fourteen victims of anti-Trump rioters at a Trump campaign rally in San Jose, California in June 2016 filed a class action federal civil rights lawsuit in July against San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Police Chief Edgardo Garcia, the City of San Jose and several named and unknown attackers.

Dozens of Trump supporters were assaulted, spit on, beaten, cold-cocked, egged, chased, tackled and bloodied as they left the San Jose Trump rally by mobs of far left, Mexican nationalist, Socialist, SEIU and anarchist thugs.

One female Trump supporter was egged and spit on by hundreds of Mexican nationalists chanting “F*ck you!”
Another Trump supporter was cold-cocked with a bag of rocks while walking to his car and left bleeding.

trump supporters beaten

Another young Trump supporter was followed and cold-cocked and left bleeding as he walked to his vehicle.
trump supporter bleeding

This is a typical occurrence for Trump supporters today in the United States. Leftists have organized their violence and attack Trump supporters at will. The mainstream media covers up these violent crimes and actually report the exact opposite suggesting Trump supporters are the violent ones. And they wonder why Americans tune out their lies?

On Tuesday General Michael Flynn and his wife arrived at the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse for his sentencing in the Mueller witch hunt. Flynn was a major target of the Obama administration and the deep state since 2015.

After the hearing a conservative member of The Deplorable Choir was shooting a live video from outside the courthouse. While she was filming another woman walked by her, assaulted her and knocked her phone to the ground.

This is becoming the norm in America. If you are a Trump supporter you can expect to be violently attacked on the street. It is more common than it is not. The liberal media pushes the insanity and the violent liberals respond accordingly.
And Republican leaders say nothing.

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Deplorable Choir later talked about the incident later in the day.

The post The New Normal: Female Trump Supporter SLAPPED AND ASSAULTED Outside of Flynn Hearing (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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