
They Scrooged Themselves: Trump Cancels the Media’s White House Christmas Party

- Desember 14, 2018



Every year, the White House holds a party for the press. But Ho Ho Hold on — the media hate Donald Trump, and he doesn’t do nice things for mean people. So consider it canceled — Media Christmas Party, you’re fired.

The decades-old tradition was, at a time, so popular, it was split in two: one event for broadcast, the other for print. New York execs would even fly in for the shindig. But now it’s all gone to shin.

For those lucky enough to attend in the past, crab claws, illustrious desserts, and the freedom to tour the ornate presidential mansion were perks. Not to mention conversations with the Leader of the Free World in front of a Christmas tree, and a photo to commemorate the occasion.

All gone.

But what did the media expect? They’ve shamefully attacked Trump since he threw his hat into the ring for the 2016 election. They’ve constantly debased him with distortions and exaggerations, all made within the context of breathtakingly one-sided coverage.

The end to a White House yuletide tradition is no surprise — Trump refused to attend the last two White House Correspondents Dinners.

However, as reported by Fox News:

While dropping the media party, the White House is in the midst of a full panoply of other parties this holiday season. Selected media people generally favorable to Trump, including a few Fox News hosts, have made those guest lists.

Some critics questioned whether those who cover or comment on the White House should engage in such socializing, but few turned down the invitations. Many Trump supporters who view his coverage as unfairly harsh will undoubtedly welcome the president’s decision to exclude the media establishment, at least for this year.

Indeed. Personally, I love our nation’s Christmas traditions. And I long for a time when the press and the Pres are not enemies. At the same time, though, as a friend of mine once put it, “You should always stand up for yourself.” It seems to me that, were Trump to ingratiate himself to the media, he wouldn’t just be graceful; he would be foolish. I’m glad we have a president who will stand up for himself. As such, I believe he is someone who will stand up for America. And that’s a much more important tradition to be carried forth.



See 3 more pieces from me: Meghan taking down Joy, Family Guy taking down millennials, and Amy Schumer taking down herself.

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